
I had a facebook friend post that Trump reinstating the Global Gag Rule was “Literally not a big deal”.


Nooooo, one is SO MUCH WORK. I can’t imagine that first year with two little helions. *shudder*

I used to want twins (two birds with one stone type of thing). Then I had one baby (who’s now 2) and I’m so goddamn thankful everyday I didn’t have twins.


Eh, Scarlett Johansson is the epitome of trash bullshit white feminism. I have no idea why this woman was even invited tbh.

Right? I...can’t look away.

that’s a whole lotta eye bags and neck skin.

me too!

Right? like, my two year old behaves better when he’s upset about something.

Can’t we do a little better than smashing windows and burning things?

I’ll be marching in Vancouver, BC with my toddler and husband!

Really bad women. Sad!

I once read that hippos sweat human blood.

The cute! It burns!

Ooooh, none of this is funny (at all) but I legit laughed out loud at this photo. Well played.

Yes! I’ll be marching in Vancouver, BC. Be safe everyone!

Yeah, pretty much. Pro-lifers are always horrified that us pro-choicers support babies being murdered.

Um, no. Murdering babies is very illegal and literally nobody is fighting for the right to do that.


Well, that was really uncomfortable to watch. That poor dog was terrified :(

My son is 34 lbs and he’s not even TWO. JFC.

I completely agree that we should continue to talk about how awful (and dangerous) this family is.

Uh, read again. There are several slut shaming comments here. Those are the posts my comments are directed towards.