Thank Christ those hateful little girls didn't grow up reading about Abraham and Isaac.
Girl #1: Has the Angel shown up yet?
Girl #2: Nope.
Girl #1: Welp, let's just keep on stabbing until It does appear.
Thank Christ those hateful little girls didn't grow up reading about Abraham and Isaac.
Girl #1: Has the Angel shown up yet?
Girl #2: Nope.
Girl #1: Welp, let's just keep on stabbing until It does appear.
He looks like the kind of person who could normally only get famous on "To Catch A Predator."
If male nurses get so distracted by the female body, they may wish to reconsider their chosen profession...
In the future, when I encounter an anti-choicer going on about the "sanctity of life" I'll just send them this link.
Ireland: Come for the Guinness and the possible Leprechaun sightings, stay to stumble into mass orphan graves!
That's the pro-life Catholic Church for you- every fetus is a precious angel until it's bon.
I still don't see how this bikini even works for "most" shapes. Nothing about that slideshow was representative of every/almost/most/kind of a lot of different body types.
Are the three ladies pictured supposed to be differently-shaped from one another? I am not seeing it.
I think he was trying to distract her with humor, vis a via making it all about him instead.
And she taught an entire nation the meaning of the word "enceinte".
It's honestly not very confusing with a very bare minimum of effort to understand and a general understanding of the difference between sex and gender.
You've commented enough to know this isn't what I said or meant. C'mon now. I took you seriously the last time you went off at me, but you're establishing a pattern here.
I really thought that by your first question you were interested and wanted clarification. Then your last line just seems really shitty. Seeing as you are a doctor you should educate yourself on issues such as gender constructs so that you are able to respond appropriately in the event you have someone walk in to…
Are you trolling or do you just not know about WD-40?
Some people are super tiny and that's fine. I just wish 90% of models weren't just that one body type. I love websites that show customer galleries so you can see what clothes look like on other people. Like Modcloth!
"Elliot Rodger and company aren't the mentally ill outliers that the media (and the NRA) depicts them as. They're much more common than we want them to be. They're capable of being functional members of society."
We have cats. Anyone who's been a servant to the feline overlords knows that kitty litter doesn't stay in the pan. It sticks to feet and fur. Cats are creatures of comfort, which means they like beds. Making the bed keeps kitty litter out from between the sheets.