
I don't even know what she does. Like, I know she used to date Kanye, and then she was with someone else (Wiz Khalifa, I want to say?), and now she's not, but... is that why she's famous? Or does she, like... DO something?

Yeah, I totally have no objections to museums banning them, or crowded tourist spots discouraging their use... like, there's no way I'd bust out a selfie stick in a spot that would disrupt a bunch of other people. Too shy. Don't like being a jerk in public. But... on my five mile hike at Ghost Ranch on a brisk

1. You're aware of the misogynist meaning behind the word hysteria, right? Kind of a dick move to use it here.

I see tourists using them in my city now and then. And I was thinking about getting one, as I'm about to leave on a solo road trip through the desert and would like to be able to take some decent photos of myself... but it's been hard to convince myself that it's okay to use one, since people can be so deeply shitty

Oh, honey, no. It's just really fucking tacky to make a big speech about wage equality and then ask queer women and women of color to pitch in and help, as if they haven't already been fighting in the fucking trenches of feminism for decades now. And I think you know that... or if you don't, you're dim as hell.

The thing that gets me about the push to teach only American exceptionalism is... you really have to think that America is a big ol' tittybaby that needs to be protected, to believe that it's bad and wrong to talk about the mistakes our country has made in the past. This is basically the equivalent of giving America

Oof. This snotty, elitist attitude is what drives people like a former coworker of mine completely away from reading. She grew up with undiagnosed learning disorders and only really learned to enjoy reading for pleasure when she got hooked on Twilight, then she moved on to books that you so charmingly shit all over

No, but you should probably stop being the kind of asshole that attacks other people because they can't deal with being embarrassed on the internet for saying stupid asshole things like you do. It's not cute.

I don't want my journals published. Does that mean I need to destroy them right now in case anyone wants to publish them? How about you? Have you destroyed all copies of your personal journals? Your emails? Love letters? Undergraduate writings? Post-grad writings? Better get to burninating, if you're gonna

Oh, definitely, every aspiring writer worth their salt would leap at the opportunity to have their unpublished work published! Especially if that work is a first draft, is rather rough, and will not be undergoing any editing! I know that's exactly how I'd like the world to encounter my work, either for the very

Right, but we're not talking about babies bundled up appropriately for the weather that they're being left in. I'm not sure why that's not sinking in, but it's a pretty significant point. Sure, Nordic parents leave their babies outside. But they've got appropriate gear on. They're not locked in a car, screaming,

Aw, thanks! That's very kind of you to say.

Never said you weren't, not sure what this weird passive-aggressive tone is all about.

"Recognizing the patriarchy as something that negatively affects everyone (though some more than others) doesn't give them an excuse; it makes them part of the problem that needs addressing. Mental illness, on the other hand, is beyond someone's control."

And yes, change IS difficult. Sometimes even impossible, on an individual level — some people will just not be reached. Welcome to feminism, dude. The sooner you learn that this shit is in no way easy, the better.

And what bothers me about your point of view is that it takes the responsibility for the shitty behavior off of the men. When you insist that it's due to undiagnosed mental illness, you give them far more of an excuse than I do... because I'm not excusing them at all. But you are. It's mental illness? Meaning

That's great. Maybe you could go #notallchristians at the shitty Christians that give people like you a bad name, that seems more useful than internet-yelling at people who already know all about NALT Christians like you.

Yes, I was speaking about self-proclaimed feminist men as well. I believe that, as a man, it must be much more comforting to think, "ugh, these so-called feminist men who do shitty things are clearly mentally ill" than it is to think, "wow, so many men who claim to be feminist do really shitty things to women, i

I think it's probably more comforting to assign this behavior to mental illness than it is to realize that, given the numbers of men who do behave this way, it's clearly something much larger, such as the toxic effects of the society that we all live in... unless you're saying that huge numbers of men (hundreds of

Holy shit, no, douching is very harmful to women's health. Do some basic fact-checking, yo.