
Holy shit, no, douching is very harmful to women's health. Do some basic fact-checking, yo.

Wearing two condoms is a GREAT idea! There won't be friction between those two layers that can cause both barriers to break AT ALL.

And I'm sure there's some creative person or media property that you love, and that other people think is crap. Who cares? If this isn't your jam, that's fine, move on, but there's no need to shit on it.

I agree, and that's why we should never prevent women from seeking the medical care that they're entitled to. So glad to know you see the wisdom of that!

Wow, so not only did he quit his job to be a full-time pornographer, he's not even good at it. I'm sure his mother is so very proud of her baby.

Maria Menounos looks way healthier, though... her face and neck don't have that strained, emaciated look that the Biggest Loser contestant has going on. Her collarbone is visible, but it's not standing out from her body so much that you can see the notch in between the bones at the base of her throat, unlike the

Wow, you're really dedicated to being as dickish as possible, aren't you?

What kind of companies have you worked for, where raises are based on how much one tips when using a company credit card instead of based on merit?

They set the season 3 years into the future because Amy Poehler didn't want to have to spend a year working with 3 babies... I don't blame her at all.

I love how no one even considers that maybe Amal was intimidated by all the attention. Yeah, she's had attention before because of her high-profile job, but are we all really going to pretend that that level of attention is the same as the attention someone gets on the red carpet of a major Hollywood awards ceremony

"She chose to inject herself into celeb culture by dating and marrying one of the most exposed celebrities in the world. "

1. I'm pretty sure she doesn't actually do the Photoshopping herself. Job creator!

In an article about legal proceedings, it is absolutely appropriate to use the word class when describing a group of people affected by the outcome of a potential lawsuit. Please stop being ridiculous.

Meh, fuck you right back, you seem like an idiot.

Why would she be mouthing that, when they were talking about the movie called Wild that Reese Witherspoon starred in?

Chutzpah would be saying something to your coworker instead of defacing their property. Fucking up shit that you don't own would have been a dick move. So probably good that you didn't.

YUP. This happened with my now five year old niece, and is happening daily with her almost 2 year old brother... little kids don't have the language skills necessary to always make clear points, and adults frequently laugh at and tease little kids who get frustrated in these situations, which compounds their

Something tells me his cocaine usage has ramped up significantly since that appearance on Politically Incorrect...

What a ridiculous way to absolve this cretin of responsibility for his actions. I'm so sick of people rushing to claim that anyone who does something terrible "obviously" has a mental illness. You're absolving this asshole of everything he did, while trashing people with legit mental illnesses who somehow manage not

I wish to god Whoopi had asked her something like that, so she could have been all like, "I kept silent because of people like you, Whoopi." That would have been amazing.