
Lady, you are so full of shit.

Oooh, I hadn't heard that he'd been dumped by his PR firm. That IS delicious.

...okay then! I mean, if you don't want to clarify what you're trying to say, so that you can get your point across, that's fine. It does indicate very strongly that you don't feel your argument is defensible, and that you don't have the courage of your convictions, but that's not really a surprise. Have a great

There have been two cases of ebola in the United States, both patients have tested negative and have been released. Calm the fuck down.

I just started her book, too, and I was really struck by how vulnerable she was in her preface. I LOVED that. I wanted to call her up and thank her for not putting the "i'm so blessed" varnish on everything, but just flat out saying, yo, this shit was hard, and here is how I move forward when I'm scared and

It's really hard to read your posts because you don't use proper grammar or punctuation and your syntax is all over the board. Can you try again?

Damn, you have a low opinion of men. I like to think that people are capable of change, but you're excusing violent behavior because men can't help it? That's awful.

Nope. Toxic masculinity's a serious thing, and she's not saying that all masculinity is toxic, she's saying that there are ways that the patriarchy enforces masculinity that is toxic to men, and by extension to women, since we all have to live in the same society. One prominent example of toxic masculinity is the

Sweet tapdancing Christ, those are awful.

PAU is a typo. The actual acronym is PUA, and it stands for pickup artist. If you google PUA, you'll find plenty. Return of Kings is a typical PUA/MRA site.

Cool story.

If you want corruption in games journalism to end, please, I'm completely serious, tell us all how you feel about the firing of Jeff Gerstmann. Oh, and for everyone else, if you'd love a good laugh, check out how GamerGate ACTUALLY feels about games journalism corruption. Hint: They don't really give a fuck.

Unfortunately, given her attack on me, she's the kind of feminist who believes in misandry and likes to tear other women down. Your words are going to sail in one ear and out the other.

Ah, you're the kind of "strong feminist" that needs to tear other women down. I don't subscribe to that brand of feminism, nor do I pretend that my brand is "real" and any brand that doesn't agree with me is fake. I guess that's how you roll, though. Mazel tov, honey.

You gave yourself away when you started in with the "fake feminist" bullshit.

It's too bad, but the movement you're so fond of is unbearably toxic, and no rational game studio or media outlet is going to listen to your group's demands. You've lumped yourself in with people who think terrorizing indie game devs is somehow going to have an effect on journalism, which... what? How do you square

The last year I trick-or-treated was 6th grade, which was... 1989. Christ, I'm old. Anyway, that's the only year I traveled for trick-or-treating, because due to having a messed up family I had moved in with my grandmother and she lived in a retirement village. We had to get special permission for me to live with

Seems like you missed the point of a kickass female athlete saying that being really great at something is doing it like a girl.

It's nice to have an extra bonus reason, though. :)

Mo'Ne Davis, you're a damn hero. Please keep being awesome.