
How will you punish her when she goes to preschool, or kindergarten, or just to a play date with a friend, and she hits another kid? After all, you've just shown her that the best way to resolve a conflict and get someone to stop doing something that you don't want them to do is to hit them.

If you can't come up with any other form of discipline than hitting a toddler, you're a shitty parent and a shitty human being. Get yourself into a parenting class, pronto, before you fuck up that poor kid of yours any further.

That wasn't an apology. An apology never includes excuses, such as "sorry, all these crazy bitches are mean to me, so I lost my shit and exploded on you".

Yeah, I can already hear one particular Facebook friend ranting about this... he's been on a tear lately about domestic violence against men, and while I agree that there need to be resources available for men being abused, my friend's solution seems to be posting angry rants about how everyone cares about when an NFL

That's the line that made my ex nearly choke on his beverage and fall down laughing. Serious, comedy gold right there.

If you could even articulate WHY you think it's a trite, boring, useless idea, you would seem a lot less trollish. But that's all you seem to be able to do, shit on other people's ideas. Pretty pathetic, either as a troll effort or as a genuine statement of your feelings.

Thanks for letting us know how you, a man who has never been sexually assaulted and has no experience with what it's like to be treated as a sexual object that exists only to provide pleasure to others, would handle a situation that you have no experience in and will likely never have to go through.

Right? My favorite part is the assumption that someone who has just been screwed by an airline would want to use vouchers to travel with that airline ever again.

I'm so grateful that she brought up Mike Brown, and Ferguson, and how shitty things are for black people in this country. I just wish more people would open their ears and HEAR her.

Oh god, I weep for the future of America. "u no wut i mene"... sigh.

But pissing people off IS that dude's life. Isn't it? I mean, that's all I actually know him for, his ridiculous little beefs. Him and 50 Cent. Although to be fair after reading that Fiddy interview in GQ I now know that he's really into inspiration boards.

Why don't you go fuck a dry cardboard tube, then come back and let us know how that compares to a vagina?

Meh. I guess she's physically attractive, but I can't get past the dumb. Kills my lady-boner every time.

That's the reading I'm taking from it... because if a woman doesn't put up a fight when you try to make the sex with her, then she must like making the sex, and only whores like making the sex. That's the retrograde line of thinking, right?

Target carries straight sizes up to size 16. You are in no way in the "crossover area" at Target, if you are between a 12 and a 14. Of course you're not going to boycott. This doesn't affect you at all.

There are not a lot of places to buy plus-sized clothes. Target used to be a great place for me to pick up some basics (tees, tanks, cardigans) and some cute on-trend clothes... they used to have an actual section of plus size clothes in most of their stores near me. Now? There is no plus size section. The stores

Wow. Is her husband allowed to leave the house without her? Or does he have to stay locked inside the house so that he never sees any living woman other than her?

How is this woman not being "honest about [her] shit", exactly? Because she's not decrying every lousy thing the LDS church has ever done? I'm afraid I don't follow this black/white absolutist line of thinking you're exhibiting here.

You do realize that by insisting that this woman leave her church to satisfy your desires, you're also asking that she cut herself off from her family and friends who are still in the church? I mean, sure, I get what you're saying, but that's a pretty rigid, absolutist stance to take against someone who is actively

She's pretty obviously questioning the faith, and not blindly following it. If she were a blind follower, she'd be shutting up and putting on longer skirts and not agitating for change.