
Dude, the only reason I brought them up, if you go alllll the way back to my initial comment, is that if you're a reasonable person, then those groups give you a bad name, and it really isn't in your own best interests to pull the "I'll just ignore them" thing. Anything else you have to say is something you've

What assertion? I haven't made any. I think you might be having too many arguments at once, you keep responding in ways that aren't really logical responses to the words I'm writing.

Dude, maybe you need to reread what you're posting. Here, this is what I'm responding to — this was directed to me, by the way, after I told you that while you don't care about what the MRA groups say, those groups are essentially the public face of the movement you're defending here:

I was responding to your statement that you won't respond to anyone criticizing those groups, because it's a seeming waste of your time. I was pointing out that that's a very strange stance to take, given that you're criticizing those groups as well. So... it's okay for YOU to criticize them, but you won't engage

Um, okay. You criticized those groups yourself, though, so your "I'm not going to respond" stance is pretty strange, bro.

Can you back up your assertion with facts? Cite, please.

That's great that you don't care about those groups, but the fact is that those groups are the public face of your movement, simply because they're the loudest and they attract the most attention. It's just like the shitty Evangelicals who hate everyone that's not exactly like them, who end up giving a bad name to

Seriously. Sanctimony might feel great, but it's a lousy way to actually speak to people. Doesn't look like homegirl gives a crap, though, it seems to be standard operating procedure for her. Ah, well. Not my circus, not my monkeys.

Right? Like someone else said here, if I gave $5 to someone in need every time I got outraged by their circumstances, I'd be in more need than the people I'm trying to help. I'd LOVE to be able to help everyone, but right now I have more than enough trouble keeping my own head above water, so the only people who get

LOL... you're nuts. You posted a comment here excoriating strangers for not ponying up dough like you think they should, and you asked for responses. Now you want to play the holier than thou game? That's excellent trolling. I think you're a shitty person for trolling, but you don't have to respond to me, honey.

"Put down the Starbucks." Oh, girl, please. You go first. I'll pony up some cash for this poor lady next payday... right now I'm just trying to get through the next fifteen days while having only $40 to spend on food.

True story: my dad was in jail on the day I was born, because he assaulted a Taco Bell manager with a napkin holder.

God, that sounds amazing!

Damn, now I could really go for some palak paneer.

Ooooh, we had these at the snack bar in my high school cafeteria, but they were called Traveling Tacos. You take a snack size bag of Fritos, cut the top off with some scissors, dump in a scoop of taco meat and a ladle of nacho cheese sauce, pop a spork in it, and there you go. $1. Best lunch ever.

Oh, honey, calm down. So someone thinks you're shallow and kind of dumb! Big fucking deal!

Dear, they're called dermatologists, not "actual skin doctors". If you consult a dermatologist, you might find that not all moles can be removed by burning or freezing, and scarring can occur.

Moles are "icky"? What are we, in grade school?

Well, I guess I'll just buy my vagina a gun and let it stand its ground.

Wow. That is... certainly something.