
One more way to make women responsible for the behavior of men. If you don’t wear short/tight clothing, men won’t make comments. If you don’t flirt, men won’t get the wrong idea - when flirting apparently equals such things as saying ‘hello’ or smiling. But then, if you don’t do those things, people will think you’re

People are shitty to women in very specific ways. You’ve been oblivious to it because, as a man, you don’t experience it. You can walk through life without having other people feel entitled to grope you or feeling like saying ‘no’ might result in you being killed. So now that you know about it, what are you going to

Dashikis are awesome and comfortable. As long as you’re not going full Rachel Dolezal, you can probably get away with wearing one in the appropriate situation. Kwanzaa is great and it really is the type of celebration that can be as secular or as religious as you want it to be. The trick to being a white person at a

Not sure if you’re serious but I honestly see no reason why a white person can’t participate in a Kwanzaa celebration. I feel the caveat has to be that celebrating it comes with understanding and acknowledging the history and purpose behind Kwanzaa and it’s cultural significance. It’s roots are Pan African and

There’s going to be so many white tears. How come you get to have your own holiday? Why can’t we celebrate it? Because of course black people having something that is pretty specific to and aimed at black people is clearly taking something away from white people.

I’m thinking that these are guys who are particularly self conscious about just why they’re at the spa/plastic surgeon’s office. Realistically we might not care why someone else is at the doctor’s office but if you’re a dude who already feels embarrassed about a personal appearance issue, odds are they feel like every

Except that scenes showing Luke and Ben as being at odds likely wouldn’t have had the immediate impact of showing Luke standing over his nephew with a ignited light saber through both Luke’s and Ben’s memories.

It would be less of a problem if there was some agreement on using just one set of gender neutral pronouns. But there’s not and, honestly, it is extremely difficult to encourage the use of words that don’t even look like, well, recognizable words. I’d much rather just use the person’s name. Inclusion is great but

Which is what makes this extra illogical. You care so much about life that you’ll make it nearly impossible for a immigrant teen facing possible deportation to have an abortion because life is so precious but then you’ll happily punt both mother and baby back to wherever they came from no matter what conditions

I get that. I have had several mutt kitties that had health issues including one with a seizure disorder. However certain breeds can be prone to specific illnesses. Continuing those breeds purely for aesthetics without at least trying to minimize some of the health issues is cruel and that’s not even getting into

Auxiliary bread! Seriously, who does eat it? Especially if the chicken is fried so hard that there’s no real grease to be soaked up.  

Sadly he didn’t.

Good for you and for this young lade. I was in undergrad with a woman who had a baby at the end of the fall semester. She came in, big as a house, took the final and had the baby a couple of days later. Next semester, she was back, baby and all. I realize that it can be very difficult to manage a baby and school,

And it has pockets!

I have a co-worker who purchased a pure breed but not show quality Persian cat from a local breeder. Apparently she had owned this kitten’s grandfather years ago. The grandfather died of some time of genetic kidney problems. She was very happy that she got the cat for only $400 because pure breed. The poor cat has the

Yoga trapeze ads. But having typed this I realize that I had followed a yoga site because they have posts with cute sayings. So nevermind.

Probably because they were afraid of being fired if they complained, afraid of being considered uptight prudes, or they were just too shocked to say anything. I don’t know what I would say if my boss or a random co-worker gave me a vibrator. Actually, scratch that, current me would likely hand it back, say no thank

Unfortunately, any defense is going to sound like the person is calling the accuser a liar because that’s what they’re doing. I don’t mean that to sound unpleasant but if someone accuses me of touching them inappropriately and I say, no, I didn’t do that, essentially I’m saying that the other person is lying or is at

The weirdest thing is the failure to acknowledge that the loss is actually part of god’s plan. Like they can’t conceive of a situation where their god wouldn’t rig the outcome in their favor. I guess that comes along with feeling that you’re one of god’s favorite bipeds.

I’ve considered bariatric surgery and totally chickened out because I’m surgery phobic. I fully support folks who opt for surgery. It doesn’t make you weak. It’s not a short cut. It’s hard work and, ultimately, is a way to move towards a happier, healthier life. I’m glad that you’re doing so well