
Sadly we all have Sharons in our lives.

Please don’t apologize for other people’s shit behavior. That’s like me apologizing for the shit behavior of other black people. And it is exhausting. Just as exhausting, I would imagine, as feeling as if your every move, statement or even appearance is a reflection of your specific race or ethnic group. I understand

When did I call these people racists? Of course you can have your own opinion. Black people aren’t any more of a hive mind than white people. But the number of people bitching about these protests on my feed have been white. These are the same ones that post up Blue Lives Matters memes and blame the current level of

Just had that image pop up on my Facebook, posted by a white associate who wrote “something else to be embarrassed” about. The next comment was about over-privileged whiners. I tried to resist responding but I couldn’t let it go. It doesn’t surprise me that so many white people are more annoyed about athletes kneeling

Sounds like all the folks from the suburbs and exburbs who trash Baltimore as a crime-ridden hellhole full of criminals, criminals-in-training, and welfare queens. The only time they come into the city is to see either the Orioles or the Ravens and then hop back on 295. Of course they’re celebrating the revitalization

I would totally be bummed about it. I would probably be extra bummed because I’m not rich and likely scrimped and saved in order to afford a nice vacation. But I would probably not moan about it on social media. That’s just tacky and unnecessary.

I want to say don’t engage at all. If only because extremely defensive people aren’t really ready to hear what you’re saying, no matter how reasonably you present it. If anything, state your facts and walk away. Don’t debate, don’t give them the change to bring out the what abouts and the not mes and the being white

The fact that you consider this a dumb joke says pretty much everything about how much you actually call out racism. You’re letting people who are old enough to know better off the hook for being disrespectful, racist cunts because they’re just kids being stupid. No. They are people being racists cunts. And then

The people around her are looking to cash in, pure and simple. They’re ride this gravy train into the ground. Hopefully someone will be smart enough to invest some money for when she’s older and way less way less marketable as a minstrel show but I doubt it. I predict of future of expensive shit that ends up pawned