
You should go see this movie. It’s so much more than it’s ending.

He looks more like his Grandfather John Bouvier with hints of his father.

I skipped this episode and watched the rest of the series. Why do they keep putting her in movies?

Hey everybody, if you liked a show that had warring families, zombies and dragons you’re gonna love a show about a middle aged woman with first world problems. #roseallday!

I bet when he was living there this guy was probably raised in the lopsided “better-than-the-brown-ones” ideals and greed that fucked up Mexico which in turn is the reason why they are here.

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They’re all pretty good but when it’s an episode with Mickey Abbot everything else has to wait.

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And you can watch your failure over and over again!

3 apples tall


“I got Doans Pills, Anacin, Nuprin . . .”

I want to press his Silly Putty face against the comics section of a newspaper.

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When I saw the pic it threw me off because of his portrayal of Omar. I had this moment:

This is a major reason why the prequels are stuuupid.

Stop making me laugh while I’m drinking a beer!

A lot of those songs were great thanks to samples from black artists.

Richard Boone gave Smaug the feeling that he’s been around for a long time. Doesn’t give a shit because he knows he’s the shit.

Reaps the benefits without all the work . .

Or it’s free!

Dothraki, the Bros of GoT.