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I see all the Star Wars & Dune references have pretty much been done already.. for some reason this also came to mind though. =P

Yeah but my statement still stands.. old tech or not people enjoy seeing things that resemble their fictional counterparts. Why do you think there are so many people here quoting Star Wars & Dune references? You think they just like talking about water condensers?

I see what you did there... ;)

I disagree, I think a lot of people love seeing fiction turned into fact.

To all the people questioning why parts of Manhattan are cut off:

Nice one!


Yeah it would... the point is that while it's locked to something a crucial support will be missing.

Did anyone else read the first logo as 'Yaoi'?

Dammit Giz, image fail totally ruined my point.

Think a certain grouch might have something to say about your 'original' idea Mr. Kloehn..

Yeah I saw that one the other day.. really don't see the point, they don't do anything a video on a regular tv screen doesn't.

Considering the brownish burnt appearance of the cut edges in the above picture, I'm not entirely convinced it isn't laser cut.

Visually 'PSBox' does look more appealing written down than the other choices... but when you think about it for a second, people would probably pronounce it 'Piss-Box'.. so yeah, not so appealing.

I'm surprised they missed the opportunity to call it the 'iOpener'..

British plugs tend to have the wire coming out of the bottom (as you can kind of see in the picture under the hand) rather than out the back of the plug. The plug would have to be a fair bit taller to accomodate the cable coming out the bottom, and wouldn't be as stable as a flat design.

It does help, but it needed a bit more random variation.. it repeated the same motion over and over, which just looks fake.

Just use your imagination. That's what makes it illegal anyway.

+1 for an awesome reference!