
Damn, the only reason I clicked through to this article was to post that song... damn you.. xP

The use of the word lunatic for being crazy goes back much further than the idea of going to the moon. I'm not sure where you're getting your facts from, but the word dates back as far as the 1300's, and referred to recurring attacks of madness that were thought to be caused by phases of the moon. It's nothing to do

@Justin: Good point. Though he did say he downloaded everything, so he probably doesn't watch broadcast TV either. I'm just guessing here though..


@Justin: He said he doesn't care if he misses it... so... what's your point?

@Jacob Eppy Epstein: Rotoscoping isn't far off from tracing. If somebody traced a piece of artwork I would say well done for improving their art skills, but I wouldn't call their work art itself. Tracing over photos/film is more difficult admittedly, but a large part of the skill of animation is creating the motions

@Jacob Eppy Epstein: Hehe yeah The Waking Life is pretty tricky to get your head around.. but it's not really a movie in the traditional sense anyway, it's mostly just a collection of interviews, most of which change topic so quickly it can be hard to remember what people were saying from one conversation to the

@MrThunderfield: English children say 'pop' at home quite often.. at least, they used to, not sure about nowadays. Usually what they mean is they want something sugary and fizzy, and it doesn't really matter what. Homes tend to have less selection than stores, so being specific doesn't matter so much. As picky as kids

@AxelFonze: Yeah I understood the Photoshop part, that's simple enough.. but I'm only loosely acquainted with After Effects and know nothing of Motion or FCP. Thanks for the tip though, I hadn't thought about zooming on the background as well as panning..

Uh.. did you just skim the link that you posted Sam? He used Photoshop CS4, not Photoshop CS5. All he said was that you could use CS5, but that he didn't because he preferred to do things manually. Makes it all the more impressive really when you content-aware fill out of the equation.

@BeefSupreme: lol she eats a lot because she's fat.

@dc-united: Lol.. yeah, cause old people have all the time in the world to wait for young whippersnappers like yourself to turn up with your manual dexterity and.. and... fully working fingers!

@dc-united: So you hang around in old people's houses a lot do you? But if you're in one home at a time, what about the people in the other houses, without random younger people around to help?

@Jackstick: I didn't know what Bearspider was before I read your comment, so I googled it.

Firstly, it's used as a measuring/ranging device by the train industry, and secondly it's not weaponized.. so at what point does this become a 'laser cannon'?