
I’ve been waiting 44 years for the Eagles to win the Super Bowl and to see them win in that fashion is so special to all Philadelphia fans who never gave up hope in the Eagles through the good times and the bad!! And now the Philadelphia Eagles are Super Bowl 52 Champions finally!!!

PC master race my A$$!! lololol This why I bought the Xbox One X! Just what I want to do, go spend $1000+ on a nice gaming PC to be stuck with cheaters on every fps game on PC!! No thanks I’ll stick with the peasants and play on console!!

Who cares about how good the leaves look? U know the game sucks when ur biggest enjoyment is the leaves blowing around!! The guns suck, the Time to Kill is way too low and the gameplay is so so!! Graphics don’t make the game, gameplay does!!

It’s the same way on Xbox, Black Ops 3 is the 3rd or 4th most played game while Infinite Shitfare is the 14th most played game!! IW is dead no one plays it!! More people are even playing BO2 on Xbox1 over IW or MWR!! And Modern Warfare was remastered to look all good and people would rather play BO2 with Xbox 360 FX!!

It’s a really good game! And the 2nd Alan Wake was good too!

And this is why Xbox has always been the better brand and console and on line service compared to Sony!! Sorry Sony Ponies