

Sorry, I don’t get it.

I think gay BFF is the only reasonable explanation here.

Exactly my thought process. Even if it was her cousin, the way he’s rubbing her leg is just so...not something I would want my cousin to do.

Yes, I saw the woman. The question was “who is the dude?” I have a lot of close male friends and I just cannot imagine letting one of them hold my legs open during labor in a hospital. A female friend, yes.

DIVORCE HIM! Haha, just kidding.

What? This is a post about how DJ Khaled posted a snap of his wife giving birth to their child. That is not DJ Khaled holding her leg.

Don’t be rude. My point is that it wasn’t a doctor or nurse. And it’s odd for a man, who is not the father of the child (who is present), to be rubbing her leg and holding it open while she gives birth. I’m just wondering who this person is because it’s such an intimate experience. What man would you let hold your

That’s just such an intimate thing to do!

Also ridiculous is calling your children prince/princess. Unless they’re actual royalty, just stop. It’s weird and the children always have an overinflated sense of importance.

Who is the dude (not wearing scrubs, not DJ Khaled) holding open and rubbing one of her legs?

The NYPD is paid VERY well.

Well that clearly means you are comfortable with your body. So that’s great!


I think this is less “you don’t enjoy sex when you’re fat” and more “you enjoy sex more when you’re not self conscious about your body.” Which I think is a pretty fair assumption. As someone who has been in shape and not in shape, sex is a lot more enjoyable when you’re feeling yourself.

I’ll take it into consideration.

I’m clean too but unless I’m fresh out of the shower, I will have some anxiety over it. I’m told it feels really good so that’s why it’s still technically on the table.


I’m open to doing it but knowing men, it will not be clean sitch. And I’m not involving myself in licking shit. Never. NEVER! I will permit it to be done on me but I need to be drunk and fasting for at least a day to prevent anxiety over my own ass cleanliness. Basically it’s not going to happen.

“Ass eating.” Gross. I have no problem with the act itself but the terminology is so revolting.