
I know you’re making a point by not saying Amazon but I’m not understanding what it is? Also agreed twitter’s implementation was horrible

Most cities don’t want all star weekend. ASW is black Mardi Gras and NC is a blatantly discriminatory state. Source: I am incredibly familiar with how cities target sporting events

Any reports of speed / performance updates in the new Win10 update? It’s pretty lean as-is but I screwed up and bought the new-gen compute stick (atom powered) - it’s a neat little device but unforgivably slow for streaming. Hoping there’s more under the hood improvement to make things run a little faster.

Goruck GR1 if you want something rugged and minimal, anything from Tom Bihn if you want function over form.

Goruck GR1 if you want something rugged and minimal, anything from Tom Bihn if you want function over form.

The issue is South Korea. North Korea could wipe Seoul off the map in about 45 seconds if they wanted to. It’s the only reason we haven’t unilaterally removed the current regime from power. So you have to be decisive or else you get massive collateral damage.

From what I saw (having observed at a safe distance) it would have been difficult to get that swept up

Hi I was there watching and the cops were pretty fair in that regard. Everyone was milling around, some loser would knock over a trash can, journalists would rush in and take photos, repeat.

See my response. These guys deserve everything that comes to them.

Hi no offense, and please check my comment history to know I’m not some troll, it’s absurd to say the rioters were innocently and arbitrarily arrested. That’s stupid. These dipshit losers trashed my city and cast a shadow on a peaceful and meaningful protest the next day. They trashed small business owners’ property

This has nothing to do with open airways.

They deliberately hire idiots to half ass their job and erode public trust in the government. That is their goal.

Yeah thanks and I appreciate your putting more context to this. I have no dog in this fight, at all. The few (more than 6, less than a dozen) mormons I know and work around are all really kind and decent people. I also realize that the actual structure and leadership is super polarizing and know there’s probably a

I think $120k is pretty fair actually.

Yeah, probably but again if we were talking about some horrible Dallas megachurch they’d all be hooked on meth, secretly banging gay prostitutes and they’d be taking $1mil salaries against a church budget of $1.2mil. I’m just saying in the grand scheme of church grift a bunch of old guys taking a tax-free $120k isn’t

Wait they only make $120,000 for a 7 BILLION dollar organization? And people are upset by that? By religious standards that doesn’t even qualify as grift. I legitimately stopped reading right there.

Sorry to be clear that was two different thought. Meant it as: Mocking Jews. (Second sentence:) Christ, the world is ending. They are two very different things and honestly I make fun of religion all the time. I don’t marginalize or mock or hurt religious PEOPLE though. My own weird little line to draw..

It did, two weekends ago. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. We’re going to Disney with her family and I’m pretty excited to hang out with them and try to show them how to be cooler dudes. The older one is pretty heavy on the aspie scale so he needs a buddy sometimes.

Gaming has a lot of undersocialized dumbfucks suddenly gaining a platform. I know it sounds harsh but that’s 100% the truth. At least with traditional media you have to be at least like .000001% polished, and if you’re some dipshit they’ll edit you mercilessly to be shown as the horrible moron you are. Why do you

Hey i actually thought about this too. South Park is a different level of engagement than this. These youtubers are accessible and ‘real’ - you have a guy, a dude you think is cool who is older and plays the same games as you and if he says the N word and makes jokes about burning Jews it’s suddenly more personal.

Seriously I had no idea about this. So it’s not old news and it should be repeated and shared. Horrible.