
I recently visited my girlfriend’s aunt, uncle and her nephews - the kids are the only ones who play video games in their whole family so I have a pretty good rapport with them. We’re sitting there chatting about stupid little kid stuff (they’re 9 and 11) and they start talking about bashing Jews and laughing about

Oh what like we don’t all miss r/jailbait and jailbaitarchives :(

It’s truly unfunny

This is absolutely the reason. Look at oil prices being held artificially low to bleed out fracking operations and kill American jobs. Caused a ton of issues here domestically - eliminating oil jobs and infrastructure on a massive scale would cause wars.

Not to bury the headline but thanks for posting the link debunking all the specious LINCOLN AND KENNEDY WERE IDENTICAL stuff. I’d always heard it but had never given it much thought.

Only in Korea? Or America as well?

Replying to myself because it wont’ let me edit my comment: my tone above was way too caustic and I apologize. It’s hard to create things and these guys are right to be upset. I do maintain that trying to work with/for these people would be a good way to go if the audience disparity is that high.

Lol no fucking kidding. Build a bigger audience OR sell your talents to the bigger fish. I realize it’s much easier said than done if you’re a 16 year old making GTA content but this is kind of how the industry works.

Job sim, google earth, pixel brush, the deus ex game, idk a bunch. The ones gunning for ‘good graphics’ are the ones that suffer the most, whereas the cartoony ones do pretty well. There’s ways to drive up sampling rates to get less jaggies etc with the high quality games but you need a way faster computer than I

Yeah agreed but I think it’s just worth waiting on everything at this point. Zen is going to be pretty disruptive in the CPU space but it doesn’t seem like anything game changing is in Nvidia’s pipeline. I’m probably going to do a new tiny tower build w/ Zen soon, but will sit on my 970 for another year or two.

Really cool. I’ve had more fun demoing than using myself. ‘Screen door effect’ is legitimate and hampers the games with good graphics. Performance on my 2500k/970 is actually pretty good. In hindsight I wouldn’t have spent the money on it and would have waited out second-gen.. I’m usually an early adopter type but

CPAC, in the grand scheme of horrible right wing stuff isn’t that bad. It’s just a bunch of assholes hanging out and being assholes, plus a bunch of asshole blogger types pretending to be attendees so they can uncover a big scoop that doesn’t exist because no one important attends CPAC.

I recently picked up an HTC Vive - would be nice to have a beefy badass notebook to use as a portable base for the system. Hard to lug a desktop around, but my next (hopefully zen) build will be in a smaller case.

Do you think Chrome OS is more workable? Is it even possible to load that up on the 2016 atom compute stick? I think it is cherry trail so I’m kind of iffy on messing with ubuntu.

So I have a compute stick, the newest (2016) atom model w/ 2gb. Windows 10 is just too slow on it. I have it in the bedroom computer and really just want it for streaming xfinity, netflix, amazon prime etc. I’ve been looking at small linux distros but my questions are A) is the hardware supported out of the box,

“As Feaster tells it, Alabama offered Harris, but they were overly coy about whether his offer was an on-the-spot committable offer or simply a placeholder offer meant to keep Alabama in the mix for Harris without tying themselves to him early on in the process.”

i’ve been wanting a dremel so i pulled the trigger. any suggestions on a good attachment to accomplish this task?

i’ve been wanting a dremel so i pulled the trigger. any suggestions on a good attachment to accomplish this task?

Would this be suitable to cleanly cut cabinet trim? I have a new fridge coming in that needs like 1/2" width more than my cabinets allow.

Would this be suitable to cleanly cut cabinet trim? I have a new fridge coming in that needs like 1/2" width more

When a trump voter thinks of like.. the mount rushmore of ‘out of touch liberal elite celebrities’ they think of this entire damn lineup. The show sounds interesting in theory but I can’t think of a group of people less qualified to lead it.

How’s the touchpad? Every well reviewed windows laptop gets knocked for the touchpad vs. apple’s implementation. Thoughts?