
Brent - could you, or a sartorially minded Gizmodo staffer throw a few nato straps on this thing and take pictures? I'm super tempted to jump on the smartwatch bandwagon but no way I'm wearing something this ugly on my wrist in public.

So true... I'm working with a local company to build a custom coffee table and end tables and it's making me strongly reconsider my couch and rug game. Never ends..

Wow - those are absolutely stunning. I'm finally at a point in my life where I can afford nice, non-ikea furniture but christ good design is expensive.

I love how 4.5" is 'mini'. Hoping to god the new iphone still comes in its' standard 4" body.

I just want a small, cheap device that runs spotify that offline I can take on runs and to the gym.

That's awesome. I've noticed the various blog properties focus on different things... kotaku (obviously) focuses on games, gizmodo is gadgets, deadspin seems like they hit on more of the housewares / kitchen stuff. Are the actual lists the same among your verticals or do I need to read every blog's dealzmodo?

Awesome selection today, guys! Thanks for posting nontraditional gadgets... I'm starting to stock up my house with quality, non hand me down cookware for example and dealzmodo is fantastic for this.

You should comment here more often. I really enjoyed this post.

"He said the crowd around him were chuckling the entire time" Yeah, it's always hilarious when a drunk guy acts like an asshole for a full 9 innings.

This makes me respect that microsoft canned the surface mini right

Will this work for prepaid too? I briefly tried the 30$ 100 minute unlimited everything plan.. 100 minutes is tough to stay under. If I could stream spotify everywhere I wanted without worrying about throttling that's completely amazing and I'd switch back in a heartbeat.

Education market, you think? That's my guess.

Washington Warriors sounds better, and it's a very easy swap to change the circle+R logo to a circle+W. But otherwise yea it makes no sense.

"cheapening of the brand". Dude it's a cartoon originally designed to sell toys. Not much has changed!

You guys are more or less resuscitating, then again beating to death a dead horse.

Eric - I appreciate your willingness to wade in to the pool of kinja nonsense so often.

Mario - since you're bored I'm curious.. how is android on tablets at this point? It seems like iOS is insanely far ahead in terms of apps, specifically apps you want on a tablet like games. Do you think this is the case? I haven't seriously looked at comparing the ecosystems in probably 2 years or so, and I'm

I was saying that wearing a hat, as a non old man, looks stupid. I think the picture I posted more or less sums up my feelings on the matter.

That guy looks like an asshole, too. His suit doesn't fit and the hat makes him look like he's wearing a costume.
