
Who is documenting all this? Is google just curating pics random photographers are taking, or are they actually paying people to walk around and snap photos?

F.lux - that's it. I am on straight talk, which doesn't allow tethering, so PDAnet would be helpful too.

League of Evil (kind of super meat boy-ish) would be ideal with a controller.

I just bought an open box RX100 (first gen) for 250$ at best buy. Has little to do with this review, but I'm still really really really stoked about the purchase, even though I have no idea how to use it yet. Was going in for a Canon S100 and left with a far superior camera for the exact same price.

I live literally a half block outside of the this congestion pricing zone, in the Mt Vernon Square area. I don't own a car, but use car2go all the time which requires street parking. Do you think this is going to eat up MORE street parking for those of us who live downtown?

Not bad if you're absurdly wealthy. After reading the linked article (he outright owned a place in NYC, and can afford to let it sit?) I don't think he underpaid for this stuff at all. Dude's clearly swimming in cash, and there's always a cost / time spent equation to work out with this type of stuff.

I recently started biking 20 miles a day RT for work, using my 3 speed linus gaston. I would KILL for 4 or 5 more gears and a bike that weighed 15lbs less.

Hey Eric - this is apropos of nothing but I really enjoy your articles. You have a pretty frank, unbiased take on things and I admire that you aren't afraid to wade into the cesspool of comments on occasion. That's all I got, have a delightful Wednesday.

Semi-related. Canon S110s are going for 250$ at best buy. Is this still a pretty solid camera at that price, or is it hopelessly out of date at this point? I'm not a pro camera person at all, so I think the sony RX100 is too pricey for my needs..

Is there a way to filter to ONLY show art that is downloadable?

That's the most even keeled comment I think I've ever read on a video game blog.

Seriously. Can we get more backstory with this?

That's a HOT TAKE!

Sure, protesting an owner by purchasing absurdly expensive courtside seats makes sense.

How did they forget to capitalize "Jenkins"?

How are you due for an upgrade? Apple TV doesn't expire.

what a delightful person you are.

what a delightful person you are.

Can't wait to read this. It's exciting to see real games journalism bubble up once in a while.