
Great post and I agree. My seamaster pro is technically able to go to like, the bottom of the ocean or whatever. I've maybe taken it 5' underwater in my parent's pool...

i'd suggest emailing the editors, asking for your money back and then going to joystiq or wherever.

Stuck? Wouldn't the lotion facilitate the pants pull-up? As a dry skinny jean enthusiast the boxer brief 'manty line' is really my number one jeans related concern.

I saw a sneak preview earlier this week, it's a great action movie. Not a ton going on, depth-wise but this is definitely an accurate movie. Worth a watch.

I'm not really sure what I'm looking at here. It's just a toplist of marketplace apps but doesn't custom tailor to what you have installed or anything. I'm not scrolling through pages of unrelated apps to find out that (shocker) Google is selling my search data.

I'm not really sure what I'm looking at here. It's just a toplist of marketplace apps but doesn't custom tailor to what you have installed or anything. I'm not scrolling through pages of unrelated apps to find out that (shocker) Google is selling my search data.

You clearly don't know what you're talking about. Enjoy your steambox.

I still think you're making a pedantic argument, but I get your point. To me "we're reviewing our options over time" is just generic CEO-platitude speak and I wouldn't count on the Nokia Nexus Lumia to debut during CES 2015.

Right now nokia's strategy is based on Windows Phone but obviously if WP8 fails to gain any significant traction they should and almost certainly will explore other options. Any company big or small should be looking 3, 5, 10 years into the future; i'd eat my virtual hat if they don't have a Lumia running android in

No casual, madden / call of duty casual gamer will spend more on a non-xbox when they can just buy an xbox. Most PC gamers are savvy enough to build a PC. There's really not a big middle ground here, especially given the robust ecosystems the new playstation and xbox will have. I'll eat my virtual hat if the new

Yeah but that means you're dealing with overpriced proprietary modular upgrades from a small manufacturer. As someone who owned a mac pro, get used to paying out of your ass for those fancy modular designs.

boringtroll is boring.

They don't, really. You've obviously seen how much trouble microsoft has had drawing developers to windows phone 8. WP8 is a niche OS, but a potential linux valve box would be a faction of WP8's marketshare. There's absolutely no way a AAA developer is going to develop linux titles in parallel to everything else

Yeah really I can't figure out where I can find a console that plays netflix and has a browser and all current AAA titles.

"Not knowing what to do, I walk home and throw up on the way." legitimate lol there

Wait is tony sparano really carrying a big louis vuitton duffle? that's amazing

This is sort of a microcosm of why its' hard for very very rich people to feel like they have real friends. Barely any of those comments are even remotely like the normal bro-crap me and my friends write to each other about our daily shenanigans.

OP is trolling.

that's phenomenal. mind if i ask what industry? just from the game / website i'm guessing IT?

I'd enjoy seeing your response if you have one. /innocentbystander