Really. Peaceful protest is “an environment of harassing behavior” now? What delicate things.
Really. Peaceful protest is “an environment of harassing behavior” now? What delicate things.
I suppose if you’re going to essentially repost the same head-in-the-sand Vote Blue rhetoric you did yesterday, the least I can do is repost my fact-filled response as well.
Yeah, how dare they be outraged, how dare they react accordingly to a rigged primary? I’m noticing a suspicious trend of people who don’t care for a democracy being legitimate or you know integrity and authenticity, are also dumb women.
Nope. I wont be held hostage by fear mongering anymore. I dont want Trump to win, but I dont want Hillary either. So my vote isnt going to her.
I would think objecting to a neoliberal warmonger with no discernible progressive opinions would kinda fall in there.
I don't think Bernie can take credit for progressives hating Hillary. That kind of goes with being progressive.
that’s a reasonable response...nonsense deserves nonsense
Here’s Laura responding! That’s fun.