
Or First Knight! Richard Gere! *swoon*

Warner Bros executives seem ragingly tone deaf. Between this, a planned "Pan" franchise that bombed hard, and the god-awful DC films, it's starting to look like heads need to roll at the highest levels if that studio is going to right itself.

I loved the doorframe shot as well, but I found it telling that Kim veered out of her box and into Jimmy's. Perhaps because she is playing along with his scheme?

"Oh no! How can I possibly wait?!" - No one, ever.

Thank you for this insightful and worthwhile contribution to the discussion.

Now if someone could just let me know where I can stream season 2 I'd be a happy man!

Congratulations on making me laugh so loud and unexpectedly that I scared my dog.

God, thank you for clarifying this. I thought he said "hairier than average", which while funny, stuck with me in an unpleasant way.

Wow, Donald Junior's Tyrell Wellick Cosplay is on point.

The Brietbart site is over there if you want to shout into the ether about "Libtards" or "Killary" or whatever.

Did you grow up in my nightmares?

I think she knows her kids and knows they are tough enough to both look out for themselves AND give Russell a hell of a rough afternoon.

Probably a bit late on this, but my impression is that he takes the suboxone in order to prevent the withdrawals - ie he gets high on the morphine, starts to come down and get withdrawal symptoms, takes a suboxone, that lasts until he is "due" to use morphine again. Vera specifically comments on how no one else wants

…Said the guy who clicked on an article about a Batman game. So edgy!

I honestly thought this episode was going to end with Jared having hired Bernice for Customer Outreach.

I came down here to say this exact thing. No Thawne means Earth 1 Wells was never murdered and replaced, and therefore should still exist. Which just gives Cavanaugh a chance to give us yet another iteration of the character! Which Wells will this be? Manic Wells? Goofy Wells? Depressed Wells? Mime Wells?

Someone needs to meme this SO HARD. Night King-as-Trump could be the best thing ever!

I feel about the Americans the same way I felt about Breaking Bad in Seasons 1 and 2 - it's the best show on television and absolutely no one is watching it.

Did anyone else catch the Ace Ventura reference of Cisco not being able to hear through the double-paned sound proof glass?

He wants nothing, and so deserves everything.