That is minimizing my experience. People make threats of physical violence and can also point out where I live. I’ve been assaulted before. But you’re right, I will live, because I realize the people making these threats are often 13 years old.
That is minimizing my experience. People make threats of physical violence and can also point out where I live. I’ve been assaulted before. But you’re right, I will live, because I realize the people making these threats are often 13 years old.
Why is revenge porn classified as internet harassment? Blackmail is a horse of a different color altogether. I get death threats on twitter too. That employer notification shit is heavy, but I’ve seen here on Jezebel commenters advocating that an employer be informed of some person’s behaviour. That’s pretty much the…
I hope your son don’t have a gun and never be a D-boy.
I don’t understand. If they are making anonymous threats on the internet, how do you know they outweigh you? Also, how often has this materialized into something tangible.
Also fair.
That’s actually a fair point. However, would you say that the title of this article implies that women are specifically harassed, because they are women? Most other commenters seem to think so. In any event, I can’t take any more abuse on this website, so I’m gonna go play some DOTA 2 right about now.
I don’t get it. Both of those things are people shouting shit at each other on the internet. “I’m gonna fucking kill you. I’m gonna cut your dick off and feed it to you, you piece of shit” is what constitutes “people talking a bunch of shit to each other during online games”. Have you ever played any of these games…
No, the point of the article was that women get more harassment than men. I was seeking to present an alternate viewpoint and showed the data which supported my argument. Sadly, rape threats are made daily, but they are far less frequent than threats of death or dismemberment of detailed plots to murder your entire…
Thank you for engaging. As to how it is difficult to sexually harass a man - if someone says to a dude “I’m gonna ride your dick till you you love me you useless piece of shit”, he’s gonna fall over laughing. The same kind of sexual statement geared at a women is more unnerving and disturbing - and this is the desired…
I’m disregarding nuance? When this article and all comments are stating that unquestionably women get the vast majority of harassment on the internet because they are women. Fullstop. No questions asked. Really? Did you consider that women make up about 47% of gamers (something always mentioned in discussions of why…
Let’s put things into context here. Some dude on the internet says he is going to kill me and I respond with some version if you try it I will defend myself with my (possibly imaginary) gun. I have made no threats. Also, on the internet everyone has a gun, or knows martial arts, or is a lawyer who will sue you. It’s…
The title of the article is “Online Harassment of Women Is Becoming an Established Norm”, the substance of the article and the comments thereafter imply that women experience harassment more than men and are given shit just for being women. The other side of the discussion is that EVERYONE experiences harassment…
Men get harassed more than women on the internet according to Pew Research Centre’s Comprehensive study. So...what is your point (sorry, I been posting this link everywhere, becasue really, the narrative is out of control)
I know, that was the point. *sigh*
Do the men in your life tell you the same thing? Because data suggests they suffer more online harassment.
No one is entitled to feel safe on the internet. Men also get harassed more than women according to the significantly more powerful comprehensive study from Pew Research Centre linked below: