
I’ve not heard The Sequence’s song, but I’d just like to mention that to my ears Uptown Funk is merely The Gap Band’s Oops Upside Your Head taken to bits and put back together in a different order.

How can anyone believe Dr Luke? He isn't even a real doctor.

Basic rule of thumb? Avoid anyone who lives their life as if they are starring in their own personal soap opera.


Thank you for converting into Celsius.

Maybe it’s a different matter in the US, but in the UK I get chest pains when I see how much Krispy Kremes cost.

That doughnut is more orifice than “Dr” Luke should ever be allowed again in the remainder of his wretched life.

Was someone actually paid to write this? It makes no sense whatsoever.

WTF? The show isn’t even worth watching if Dana Scully isn’t in it.

But on the flip side, you can inadvertently untrain your bladder to hold a normal amount of urine by going to the toilet too frequently over an extended period of time.

Ah, Manchester.

“The uploader has not made this video available in your country.”

The level of support for this rapist still seems mystifying.

The plural of Lego is not “Legos”. It’s “Lego”.

This point cannot be emphasised enough. If he was Muslim then his advocacy of terrorism would lead to his state-instigated assassination by drone missile.

What happens every time Barack Obama authorises a drone strike on a wedding?

She’s spot on. Banning abortion doesn’t end abortion - it just drives it underground.

Inverting the picture also seems to be permissible (unless she has the exact same tattoo on both sides of her body).

U.S. problem.

Is there any way of donating to Planned Parenthood if you're not a U.S. Resident?