
Gold skins

it’s actually a 65% board. 60% dont have dedicated arrow keys and page up/down/del

After placements you get a huge SR boost for awhile where basically a win nets you double normal SR, and a loss only loses you almost half the SR you normally would. It’s such an insane boost that you have to wonder, if you can’t climb back to your previous rank with it, do you really deserve it?

you need to headshot with soldier and execute with helix rockets. also target priority. youre not going to kill anyone if theyre getting healed through your damage.

a lot of people use smaller keyboards just for ergonomics. having no numpad makes it so your mouse hand can be closer to the keyboard so your arms are in a more natural position. some people still want a macro/numpad and a separate one is great because you can put it on the left side of your keyboard or on the other

my mom was super no-video games. i remember jusst watching the infomercial over and over and being fascinated by it.

You keep including “rare” when you say every third pack, but unless something’s changed, doesn’t every pack contain one rare? Shouldn’t it be every third pack contains at least a holo rare or better? The garbage packs are just the non-holo rares that are a lot less desirable.

start a custom game by yourself with no bots

Now playing

If you were curious how they look in-game. The non-glove models seem to have been updated too.

Now playing

Watch this guy do a pretty hard 20 minute+ song with his feet. Check out how much he’s sweating at the end.

I got through all ten hours without any noticable.

You need to have some game sense to know where and when to shoot. After killing the first opposing player that peaked he knew it was likely he wasn’t alone. He also knew they would try to use the smoke as cover and shot through the smoke at head level. Also notice how he switches to his knife and back after each shot.

I don’t see how it can be worse than F2P games when all content from unlocking cases is purely cosmetic and does not affect gameplay.

Kotaku seems to have a habit of using very old images/screenshots.

There was a newcomers stream for the DOTA International where I think they try to explain things non-players would probably otherwise not understand.

Her name is Bryci for anyone wishing to, uhh, research further.

If you look at the screenshot, they're looking at the very last page of listings where the highest prices are. If you click on page 1 where the lowest prices are, it's around $10.