
Does anyone remember snaking in Mario Kart DS? You gain mini-boosts by pressing left and right a few times during a drift, instead of drifting for a certain amount of time like it is now. You could just start a drift anywhere and hit left/right really fast to get a mini boost as quickly as possible. You'd see people

Anyone have a link? I'm in Canada but can't find it. When I search for hearthstone it's just free spam apps. Searching for blizzard entertainment just has the WCS and AR viewer apps.

I miss the easy achievements typically associated with movie tie in games. I mean, if you're into achievements, I guess.

Don't forget the huge input delay. There's like a quarter second delay between pushing the stick and seeing it happen on the screen. By the time you've lined up a shot, the enemy's already moved, or you're full of bullets.

They must get all their gifs from tumblr.

Nemo Valkyrja for all you people to Google for research purposes.

Even way back when it came out that CG monster looked awful.

It's because the editor is using GOTV demos. GOTV is used to save a replay of the entire game where you can switch between players and use freecam, unlike first person demos which only record what the player recording sees. There is some extra latency in these types of demos so sometimes shots can look off.

Did anyone else feel like there was huge amounts of input lag from the analog sticks? There was a very noticeable delay whenever I had to move or aim. It's something I've noticed in the Uncharted games as well. It got really frustrating trying to line up the sights, and with such limited ammo it would usually result

Vimeo banned gaming videos since 2008, and the recent madness has affected gamers the most, so I don't think moving to Vimeo is going to help.

I still have mine from when the original SF4 came out. Still use it for 360 and PC fighting games and it's still almost like new.

The problem is that none of the ad revenue is going to the video creator or even the real copyright holder. The majority of claims being made aren't from the game devs or publishers. Some scam artists are abusing the Content ID system to make money on videos of games they have zero affiliation with. How is that okay?

I wouldn't know I was supposed to be offended if no one told me. Do people just look for any reason to be indignant?

Just like playing Uno on Xbox 360. Ah, memories.

I remember early on, people were complaining that Inferno was too hard. Then when they made it easier and people got around to finding good gear they complained it was too easy.

Futureshop in Canada gave Steelbook cases as preorder bonuses for a lot of games. I'm not sure if they do that anymore.