I've been getting 350 ping playing by myself since the servers came back. Right before that, I was thinking how ridiculous it was to have 90 ping in a single player game. :|
I've been getting 350 ping playing by myself since the servers came back. Right before that, I was thinking how ridiculous it was to have 90 ping in a single player game. :|
If you really want to play right now, you can log into the Asia server. But you have to make a new character and you can't transfer it to the Americas :<
Did anyone else find this commercial while exploring the Diablo 2 disc? :3
Tracking information says my CE has been delivered, but it's not here. Someone signed for it. Someone who wasn't me. God damnit Canada Post.
I actually prefer it when a game has GFWL. The only reason of course is the achievements. It's a sickness. I'm sick, please help me. Why do I have a 140k gamerscore?
Dual and triple slot cards are terrifying. When can we go back to single slot cards?
Are we old people now?
Dual and triple slot cards are huge and terrify me. Can we go back to single card slots someday maybe?
Stick a flash card in there and you have internal memory and a photo viewer :D
I had a craving for a hot dog today because of this. Then I bought one. How much are hot dogs paying you to make me buy them?
Is it going to be the 90s again yet soon?
I'm disappointed that they still haven't caught up to Capcom's stoob physics.
Is it going back to free too also?
I hate when people try to swap your stuff. They'll say, "It's the same thing, quit being such a bitch about it!" But if it's the same thing, why do you want to swap it so badly :|
Todd Batty confirmed no death pits in this DLC.
I did an accidental time travel when I exchanged my DS Lite. I had just started and figured it would be exactly the same so I reset my town not wanting to miss anything. Then I lost all the town folk I had, replaced by new characters. I was crushed. And AC was ruined for me forever.
I thought they said gifs were fixed D:
Have they fixed the left/right drift that develops on the left analog after a few months of usage?
They usually have a side tournament for a featured mobile game at their events. So, they're getting rid of everything else and focusing on just that now? :|