
Before I ever played it, I thought Link's name was Zelda.

Don't they still have FTL?

You might notice by the picture quality that this photo was taken with a toaster.

It kept overheating and shutting down so I installed this air cooling system. Liquid cooling is too mainstream for me. Yea, I know you're impressed. I think of myself as somewhat of a tech expert.

Is this your first time on the internet? :|

I would've preferred a new version on another disc somewhere down the line. Probably would've cost less than buying all the DLC together, plus these characters probably would've been included in the original with more characters being added in the new one. We also would've gotten balance changes, new hud and other new

It's okay, I didn't need to sleep tonight :|

Well, it's a good thing I don't have any real life friends then :D

edit: eh, posted in wrong thread, I sry.

I've done the same with with a pork chop. It was delicious. I don't know about this though.

Facebook app was just added as well. Also, apparently you can get Hustle Kings on Vita for free if you already own it on PS3.

Protip: Press the PS button+Start to take a screenshot.

First thing I do on any new device or game is go to the options menu and set everything to the way I like.

Most people that have been getting hacked have never even played FIFA. The connection to FIFA is that it has DLC which is tradeable and can be sold because of that. When the hackers get into your account, they buy and use your MS points to buy this DLC, then they sell the DLC on eBay to get real money out of it.

I feel like it's more creating a new genre/gametype than a ripoff. Remember when GTA got popular and every open world game was called a GTA ripoff or clone? You don't hear people say that about those types of games anymore.

Yes, and it was called "fast weapon switch" strangely enough :P. But all the cool kids used hud_fastswitch 1