It's like Hot Coffee all over again! Except, not really...
It's like Hot Coffee all over again! Except, not really...
Maybe they do have a spy, it's just permanently cloaked.
I hope this will have all the same neato features they're putting in Third Strike: OE.
Like: -Game is brighter
Adult zombies were once kids.
Sweet, I bought the first TPB and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to reading the rest, when the site is done dying.
I've already come up with a most elegant solution to this problem. You know how games always say "Saving.. Please do not turn off the power or remove the game cart." Well, you've just gotta be like "FUCK THAT NOISE" and yank that cart out while it's saving. And then your save data will presumably be corrupted, and…
I think they mean this kind of chrome.
But I don't want to be old D:
"Out World Neighborhood School." My first thought was "lol Out World? That's awesome. I wonder if they play alot of MK9." But then I saw the letter and it's actually "Our World." And then I was disappointed.
I've killed quite a few summer bugs in my house already. See a spider or centipede every couple of days. I stepped on a centipede barefoot. Their insides are sticky.
Needs a working flamethrower. Everything is better with a flamethrower.
DiRT 3 came out last week. It looks like you just copy pasted that from last week D:
Maybe other people in his home use the TV too? And why would he bother muting if it's all the same to him anyway?
Did anyone do this?
He used a console command to load co-op maps in single player. Type "map" then the map name in the console.
I remember in the Ballad of Gay Tony DLC, you could choose to replay any mission from a menu.
The article makes it sound like he used no-clip in the floaty bits, but he's not. When he's floating over to the door, he's using the excursion funnel glitch. It looks like no-clip, but it's not. The parts where he does use no-clip, is when it looks like he teleports through a door, and those are the parts that…