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Strafe jumping. You hold left or right while in the air, while moving your mouse side to side, without touching forward. You can move alot further in the air and have alot more control. You pick it up after awhile if you play alot of Valve games. Works on the old HL1 engine as well as Source. Works on consoles too

Splitscreen and two controllers :D

I wouldn't have understood a word Little Jacob said in GTAIV, without subtitles.

I saw that screen dozens of times. It's the pre-game lobby before a ranked match starts. You probably never saw it 'cause you only played in public matches.

Can't redeem online passes while PSN store is still down. I hate you online pass.

I haven't had this happen to me since Counter-strike 1.6 was in it's prime, even though I play other games just as much now, if not more. I think I'm broken.

Fat opera turret 2:33

I've always thought that most video game movies would be so much better if they went the CGI route, instead of live action.

Slim drive is removable. You just pull the tab and then hooray!

Does TF2 not have the "record" console command? D:

My sister was a sore loser, and always had to ruin any fun there may have been. Think of a real life version of a rage quitter today. So yea, multiplayer gaming hasn't changed much for me, nor do I have any fond memories of board games.

They do not.

If the story isn't told in cheesy live action cutscenes, I'm out.

But they said North America! Way to get my hopes up Kotaku :(

It's already available on XBLM.

These costumes are not on the disc.

How did you figure that it's only male chars? Anya gets the bunny hat too :o

Did you only go to the Island of Dreams once? If you don't wish for a Pokemon at the tree, you can click "return to home" and go to the island as many times as you want, and befriend more Pokemon.

Refusing to play a game with even one Pokemon seems to cause the number of encounters to dry up fairly quickly. After 3-4 runs to the forest, I stop finding items and encountering Pokemon. If you befriend every Pokemon you see, you seem to be able to encounter alot more and therefore have alot more to choose from when

I don't get it and I don't want to feel left out so explain it to me D: