Needs more bacon D:
Needs more bacon D:
Some video from the new place.
Is it the one under spidercat?
Well, uhm, here it is anyway D:
What if someone bought a bunch of codes on eBay without knowing where they came from D:
Does the keypad not work with the wireless receiver? And if it doesn't, couldn't you just use the keyboard that's in front of you :O
Looks like a next gen Crime Killer game. At least, that's what I thought of after seeing the cop car and the city. Anyone else played that game? No? Just me? Okay :(
The thing I'll miss most is watching SF4 ranbats on their YouTube channel. I was hoping they'd start uploading again with the release of AE, but I guess that's never going to happen now :(
I played 360 almost everyday up until a few months ago. I stopped 'cause of something that came up in a recent Kotaku article - tinnitus. I think it started after a few too many nights of turning the TV up too loud. There were a few times where I became too eager to get back to normal, started doing the same thing,…
@Jun284: Probably safe to say that those people would be disqualified :P
@Shikari: No, level doesn't matter in arena. Everyone has the same stats. A level 1 is just as strong as a level 99.
Waaaait a minuute. At 0:36 she does a focus absorb and absorbed like 5 hits. So do all chars get to use focus attacks? Or is it Viper only? O_o
Yay, CAG!
Now you need to head to the marketplace and buy Kat's armor to complete the set. Then have your opponent do the same and have a rematch.
@xxnike629xx: Not unless he was dumb enough to write his return address on the package.
I remember these at Wal-Mart when I was a kid. They were fun. But then they moved to some other place and now it's all just one floor.
@ZackRI: Pretty sure the Old Spice challenge was the only one. You only had to increase your Gamerscore by 2000 or something to score some sweet prizes. But people still bashed the hell out of it and running around the net calling everyone achievement whores with no life for participating.