@Zoopy: Patapon!
@Zoopy: Patapon!
@endy_n_omni: Fine print says limit 1 gift per person.
@Chestnut Bowl: Use the xbox.com marketplace!
I'm going to go for the game only. Already have the original+turntable. Don't really need another turntable for anything other than that damn achievement _
@allstaraugustine: With SC2's map editor. And you can start right now if you want.
@Borello-Crompton: It's Makoto! They must've left out the part where she shouted "Seichusen Godanzuki!"
@ch0diac: It was $100 CAD for HL2 CE when it came out _. I think it was $80 USD.
@W10002: Sagat does less damage in Super than the original. You actually have to work for your wins now. I don't think online players like that.
@joeytrace: I threw in original SF4 recently for fun and played online. All that's left there is a sea of Ryu, Ken, and SHORYUKEN!
Eventhubs did a similar poll, with some different results. I wonder why they didn't pool their data. I guess it's possible there'd be some members that voted in both polls, and would've skewed the results.
@xyzl: Ryu, Ken, Akuma, and Sakura's tatsus all go through fireballs.
It's all fun and games until someone takes a shotgun to the face.
@shoutanenjeru: Just concept art though =[
These are all already available for download on 360 and PS3.
Someone put these in MUGEN.
@SkepticFirst: I don't remember seeing this in Halo Reach.
First thing I thought of was Playstation Move.
@Eskobar: When I went from offline to XBL, it let me keep my profile. My name was already taken, so it asked me to change that. It kept all my achievements and gamesaves.
@Mooglecharm: It's already airing. I think we're on episode 4 now. You can watch it on Hulu.