“If you won’t turn on your body camera, you cannot work in our city.”
“If you won’t turn on your body camera, you cannot work in our city.”
Ugh I hated the Stabler character. Aggressive, self-absorbed, shamelessly unprofessional. He was a liability and always managed to reduce Benson to that woman who defends her shitty male friend because “you just don’t understand him”. The show and her character are so much better without him.
Oh hell yeah.
I just burn down whatever domicile I’m currently occupying when it gets too dirty, or I run out of clean dishes, or clothes, and then use the fire insurance to move into the next place. Work smarter, not harder, right?
Amber Ruffin is a god damn national treasure.
Having been naturally “blessed” with big boobs, I never understood why women would want them. They make you look fatter, clothes don’t fit right and they’re uncomfortable as hell. I dream of being flat chested and never having to even look at underwire ever again.
For those keeping score, of the seven films to cross the billion mark, this and Black Panther are the only ones that didn’t have the help of the MCU’s most bankable character Iron Man. It’s also the ONLY one so far whose main hero was making their first appearance with no previous success to build from. So what’s that…
Right? When Calls The Heart always looked like period trash, but I’m actually gonna miss the Garage Sale Mysteries and her interchangeable husbands.
No new episodes of Garage Sale Mysteries? God is truly dead.
This. Plus the increase in reporting crimes against sex workers when sex workers don’t have to worry about being arrest themselves is gonna lead to more reporting and provide a nice data artifact for the opposition. On this one, I tend to trust Amnesty as likely having the most realistic picture.
And we just got rid of several years of Conservative destruction. Justin, why did you do that stupid thing? He’s not fabulous, but better than the Conservatives. The third large party, the far left NDP doesn’t have much chance of getting in, sadly.
Shhhh—you’re speaking to my biggest fears here. The Conservatives have intentionally chosen a candidate who looks “not Trump” to the public and seems all nice and shit, but he’s perfectly happy to align himself with the racist “yellow vest” movement over here and neo-nazis like Faith Goldy. Sound familiar? Andrew…
I, too, base all of my knowledge of medieval courtly life on Crusader Kings. It was common for Irish petty kings to marry Romanian servant girls because they had high stats, right?
My ex-husband had a better name. He offered to take mine even though it was truly awful. He’s my ex and I’ve just kept his name. It’s easier to spell, easier to say, and it confuses the hell out of people.
The secondary item is, that even if you don’t believe Ford (I personally do), BK still showed decorum unfitting of being a SC Justice. He is not fit to serve in that roll, based on his accusations against certain politicians and uncontrolled yelling fits.
Being found not guilty isn't quite the same thing as "COMPLETELY INNOCENT", though.
This is gouda Kinja.
This thread has my blessing.
Howdy folks.