
Every single Trump supporter I know is upper class or upper-middle class. They are pretty evenly divided amongst men and women and they are, naturally, exclusively white.

You mean the spoiled baby racist white “progressives” who threw a fit and held their breath because Bernie wasn’t the nominee? I used to loudly support Berni Sanders and he had my respect. Never again. When it was time to combat evil he was nowhere, And he hasn’t said shit to his Bernie bro’s yet about their utter

Is there a NYT poll that breaks down the vote by...oh, I don’t know “Levels of Socially Progressive Beliefs”? Because, while the financial self-assessment (emphasis on SELF) may be true, I can guaran-fucking-tee that many of the people who feel they are “financially worse off today”:

Yeah, well, more people disliked Trump, so clearly that wasn’t the only issue at play.

Plus poor doesn’t mean dumb. I’m poor because I’m on disability for a medical issue, but I’m college educated and vote blue. People blaming the poor is pissing me off.

Except Bernie did call out racism and sexism at the end of this statement (which Julianne oh so helpfully left out) and also has tweeted about it today.

I was listening to an interview, I forget with whom, on NPR yesterday morning and she called Trump voters racist. The host said “Well we can’t jump to that conclusion.” And she cut him off and just said “No. I’m past this. We have to start calling things what they are.” He pushed her off the air within 15 seconds.

50k may sound middle class (depending on where you live, in some areas it’s definitely not), but under 30k does not. And Clinton won the the under 30k by an even larger margin than she did the 30k to 50k bracket. Which means that by and large the most economically insecure demos went for Clinton.

I think it’s extremely naive to discount this as a valid reason. Plenty of people from smaller American cities voted for Trump precisely because they felt that two Obama’s administrations did nothing to address their economic difficulties.

Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line

Rachel Maddow was doing it on MSNBC. Everyone else kept saying “they voted for him despite the racism because of the economy” and she kept calling it out because that did not match how his polls surged every time he said something racists/bigoted. Or that most of his supporters agreed with the awful stuff he said when

He did at least say “middle class” at the start and I noted that in a comment on a FB post that quoted that first bit. That at least he wasn’t saying “the poor” but then the description he gives after that fits the whole “it was the poor” narrative. The paycheck to paycheck, barely scraping by etc narrative. That

Like I said you can make good money and still be working class. Across the board (YMMV when it comes to individuals) they have very different lifestyles than the middle class, even if their incomes are equal. They are more likely to spend their money on status symbols rather than saving or investing it, for example.

I think they like to think they are worse off. It’s kind of a leading question for a population that feels the world is against them because they aren’t on the top alone anymore.

I can see your point, but many of these people belong to golf clubs, send their kids to private schools. They are not poor or disenfranchised by any definition.

No but the fact is Hillary had to get the rust belt to win and she didn’t. Those states fell like dominoes for Trump. And denying that isn’t going to help win any future elections. We need to look at everything that went wrong in the cold light of day so it doesn’t happen again.

Except your running off the assumption that Bernie was going to be a more popular, general election candidate... which is denying reality. He wasn’t very popular to non-millenials, and he hadn’t even been scrutinized yet.


I find likeability as a presidential metric to be one of those childish as fuck things that people point to when they have nothing else of substance to say.

That makes sense, except Trump had a lower approval rating than Clinton throughout the entirety of the election... so you’re theory doesn’t appear to hold water.