
I never get tired of this meme.

better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to tweet and remove all doubt...

I know it is tough to understand (and in this thread I can’t tell who is or isn’t serious), but there is a bit of a difference between trained professionals authorized to carry weapons and any random jackass buying whatever gun they please. No one is “anti-gun,” they are “pro-making sure the people who have guns are

Harriet shouldn’t have to share. Let Teddy have the $1, since George has that AND the quarter, the money hog.

Or elderly Andrew Jackson, who stood up to an attempted assassin and beat the shit out of him with his cane?

Yeah, he’s no jean cretien .... “Did you see that fucker, I choked him out, the RCMP had to save him from me!”

Now playing

Not going to fault him for doing what the Secret Service wanted him to (nice to see he does occasionally listen to experts) but this is how a real man reacts to someone with a gun - and those are words I never thought I’d type about Charles.

Right? I love how they invited her and she was like ok but guess who I’m bringing! That’s using your power for good.

I would argue that if those other artists were so talented then they wouldn’t have been outshone by anyone. She just showed up and sang a song that has some very strong country elements to it. Didn’t do anything wildly controversial. Just sang a song. With other country artists.

Can we talk about the fact that she also brought the Dixie Chicks with her! I can’t believe it has been 13 years since they got taken down over trashing George W. Considering the shit being said about Beyonce, what they said back them was just so minor.

Maybe you didn’t get the memo, but we live in a post-fact world now. So take your liberally-biased “truths” and gtfo!

“Depends, only black kid he will be treated well..”

Sorry!!! I meant the story, definitely not you. Good lord, I read that back and now I hear how it sounded. I meant it should have been a red flag to the police/prosecutors/judge in this article.

I remember those days. I thought he was gross, inappropriate, and mean, like a lonely 12-year old boy with a computer and internet access. I couldn’t believe it when he started getting legitimate spots on TV as an “entertainment reporter.”

don’t forget: got punched in the face at the MMVAs by’s manager

I stopped watching after Skyfall. I’m getting tired of Craig and his expressionless face. I know it’s been mentioned so much at this point that it’s unlikely to happen, but I would love Idris Elba to take over.

Which should mean she’s sending notices to all the media. I don’t think Perez is being singled out. He’s just the one to publicize his notice. Very Perez of him.

I deeply respect her decision to not get any more dogs that will outlive her. My heart breaks every time I see my local humane society post a new dog with the description “this dog was surrendered to us after his/her owner died and no one stepped up to take him/her.” While that obviously probably isn’t the case for

It’s really... nothing. It’s not as intense as her public persona but it’s not radically different. She’s catering to her audience without fundamentally changing who she is. I don’t get why she was so against publicizing these except then she couldn’t use them again.

I’m really hearing the “automatically” there. He’s usually pretty distinct, and I would have thought that the audio clip was the tour  manager talking if it weren’t labeled otherwise. Falling back on rote politeness is something that you sometimes see in people who are shocked.