I know right?
I know right?
The judge was probably friends with Trump’s sister. Or needed “personal” photos to disappear. Or was a member at Mar-a-Lago. Or ... ah, fuck it. There’s not enough room on the Internet to list all of the ways Trump breaks laws.
Welp, that officially hammers the last nail into my reservations about beginning impeachment proceedings against Trump.
Welp, that officially hammers the last nail into my reservations about beginning impeachment proceedings against Trump. They won’t lead to a conviction in the Republican-controlled Senate, but this administration has just openly demonstrated that they not only have no respect for the separation of powers or coequal…
He's failed at selling casinos, football, steaks, and bottled water to America. That's all you need to know about him.
Maybe some of the typos people give the writers here shit for are because they can’t edit their posts either. I left an “owe” out. And I spelled “your” as “you’re” earlier. Sorry, Kinja.
I would like find financial backers for my idea of Trump-branded feminine hygiene products.
Warren’s calling it like it is. I like it. I don’t know why she’s not the clear front-runner right now—besides the obvious reason that she’s a woman with the experience and vision to do a good job—but she absolutely should be. I’m still willing to be swayed during this primary, but I like Warren. I think she’d do a…
She’s the combination of “Can I speak to your manager? + women who begin sentences with “As a mother.”
His BRIDE!? What, is she 20?
Yes, in this deeply corny joke, Barr was the no-show chicken, and Cohen proceeded to munch on it.
Everything is so fucking dumb.
that’s no how tax rates work, it increments up to the point, so you end up paying much less overall.
They think that liberals frame people all the time and get away with it. So when they try to do it they get caught because they believe their own rhetoric.
Nevertheless, last month Nashville District Attorney General Glenn Funk attempted to put Jones back in jail...
“Casada, the speaker, told WTFV’s investigative team that he knows “nothing of [Jones’ allegations]—nothing,” while Cothren refused the station’s multiple requests for comment.”
Old white guys are the world’s biggest pussies.