
I was thinking about his alleged love of well-done steaks and I am leaning to beleiving that he orders them well-done because he thinks that means they are cooked the best, like a job well done.

Or bury him in the desert like that E.T. game

They did have it coming tho

Super fun to risk your 9 children having serious complications b/c you think you understand the science of disease better than medical professionals

Nwe Zealand also recognized that most of the victims were the family breadwinners and besides paying for all funerals the government has pledged to support the families.

It’s like the bureaucracy in Hitchhiker’s Guide, designed to be so hard to access that by the time you do your planet is being blown up for a space highway.

MAGAs would be injecting themselves with lizard blood to own the libs, I think lizards have lots of salmonella and sometimes leprosy so this works for me

This is totally off topic but I saw this pic recently and someone was pointing out the open drawer behind him full of Sudafed.

Great news for NY and CA!

I haven’t seen Wild Country yet, tbh I was avoiding it because we seem as a country to have joined a cult so I was kinda over it but this was very funny and I totally want to watch Wild Country now.

*Saturday AND live 

Did you pay 50k for it???

Sadly my GWB appointed cousin was too distant for me to benefit from his wealth so I only get bragging (??!) Rights in online comments .

“ I wooed her”

If you’ve never seen ‘ Two for the Road’ treat yourself today!

I give the highest on every customer satisfaction survey because every not perfect rating causes big losses for service workers, ppl like your cable guy etc. I know companies have real issues we all want to rate them on but surveys only allow them to short their workers

My Girl Scout troop full of seven year olds did better cookie decorating

A ghost in the machine