
I thought it was a nice call back to one of the first episodes when she’s excitedly decorating her house and the new clothes come and she unpacks them.

Didn’t that high ranking commander die in the last episode??

I think the moment Serena decided she wasn’t going to accept any offers of help was when the woman guide asked her about knitting and she lied and said she enjoyed it, just two episodes ago she was telling June she hated knitting and she clearly meant it. Serena had no reason to pretend to love knitting with that

he needs to throw her some “have a blessed day” bones and compliment her house decorating, she’ll be totally happy with that and forgive any letters if he just treats her like a good little Gilead wifey

But that’s what I mean about her breakdown, she realizes she’s not in any power position, she thought she was the mistress and that afforded her some status but the rebuke by Fred at his office door after her contrition tells her she isn’t anything to him

I thought her breakdown at the end was a bit about her realization that she is no different to him than Serena or a Martha or whatever the child bride’s name is, all women are equally nothing to him only useful for his temporary whims be they kind or cruel.

Stephen Miller made the same mistake and was so excited

I liked his Thiel tweet better the first time

*weekend of actual Infinity War Trump is golfing*

I can’t figure out why Open Secrets/Vanity Fair and the NYT have such widely differing estimates of Pruitt’s net worth. Open secrets and Vanity Fair seem to agree he’s worth between 400k and 1 million while the NYT has this really low number.

“But these are free market death panels so it’s okay”

I think Kushner still doesn’t have clearance either, at least as of January 17th. He’s gonna solve that Middle East mess tho I guess

You aren’t a bad person for not forgiving, you just aren’t the person who needs to forgive as part of their healing.

And he was used to getting praise from the press in his former life as a TV “star”, even when he did horrid things like call Rosie a pig he still got plenty of soft coverage.

Truth is the threat they fear right now.

LOL He used to repair computers but that was over 13 years ago and he has shed that self, he is totally not into computers, it’s really weird in a way but also I admire it because wtf am I really doing with all this computer stuff anyways?

I would suspect him but he literally can’t turn on the computer, he’s adorably disconnected. He tells me that when the end times come he’ll be fine because he won’t miss twitter etc at all.

That’s nearly verbatim what my husband said.

I was going to reply with some pics from Ivanka’s horrid food/candy filled instagram and make some funny observations but then I came across yet another pic of a Trump fam dinner where they all had very black looking steaks, these ppl don’t know how to treat their investment in one nice cut of meat right and yet

I like you.