
JFC his sister is a fucking federal judge! Not that I’m a fan but that isn’t a nothing accomplishment.

Didn’t the Doctor say “I hope so” ?

I mean you can confess to grabbing women’s genitals because of your power and become president in 2017 so this is pretty tame

this twitter thread about Brooklyn 99 was pretty awesome

That’s a really good point.

I know that Iran was a big part of the thinking in writing the book. As far as the ppl on the recap thread, I am honestly not into trying to educate such ppl anymore, I used to argue with that type for days, now, with baby king in the WH I have other ppl to educate :-)

I’m so impressed by this young man and the other students (sit-ins and forums on race!) at this point I think the teachers should just shut up and let these kids teach them a thing or three.

I was pretty upset reading the comments in the recap today, more than one person saying “it’s just a TV show, totally unrealistic fiction”

all that winning makes him sleepy

every time the tiger flew at someone I said “it’s great they found that tiger cannon” to my husband.

I’m 46 and my couch is usually covered in laundry, I’m okay with it.

I think they should be able to keep any pennies chucked at their faces. (I’m a softie)

I got a roll of white board paper that I can stick to cardboard/posterboard, also got a pack of wipe off markers.

They’d drag him from the Trump sticker on their pick up truck

also same ppl would throw a fit if they weren’t allowed to pray wherever they are. And they’d racially profile the frak out of Jesus

In one of my sad forays into a pro-Trump tweet I saw this same story tweeted out by Trumpers except the caption ti the picture was

I 100% never followed @potus because I knew I’d see his feed if it was good/important and I don’t need every tweet even from ppl I like but when I saw this yesterday i clicked @Jack’s tweet about it (before the statement) and I found I was following him, I was so surprised I actually gasped, I unfollowed right off and

well if you wanted to say, I dunno maybe put a pipeline on Federal land and then the land was “given” to that state to “manage” and the state GOP Governor “managed” it buy getting a nice little fee, maybe a few million, for the oil company to take the land for their pipeline then the oil company makes a gajillion