
“I think we’ll have ample opportunity to read and amend the bill”

As I have written before, my daughter died when she was five in 2011, two months after being diagnosed with an inoperable and malignant brain tumor. There is no cure for her type of tumor - DIPG - and current treatments do little more than extend life for a few months.

Let’s not forget that Obama didn’t, and this is an idiotic red herring tossed out by simpletons who don’t understand how things actually work. Congrats on outing yourself.

Teachers wouldn’t be walking at graduation anyway.

Is this ultimately a Lifehacker article about how to use a pre-installed hook?

Whatever it takes for him to stop hitting women.

ha ha ha I feel like I am going mad. Trump asked Comey to pledge his loyalty in a dinner where supposedly his job (Comey’s) was on the line. Remember when the conservatives and the media were in full storm mode because Bill Clinton said hello to Attorney Lynch? ha ha h ah ah ah ha ha gaaaahhhh

Full disclosure; I am a white guy.! Same founders as TWOP! Same beautiful, draconian forum oversight!

What you call “purity bullshit” women call “agency over my corporeal self.” Or, put another way, what you would have called “purity bullshit” 170 years ago was also known as “supporting the ownership of other human beings.”

The reason no one mentions the dead man’s crimes is that they are irrelevant to the way he was treated while in custody. 

Oh wypipo. Never change.

Hey, lay off Bernie. I know when I’m trying to lead a progressive movement, I make sure to be on TV all the time complaining about the people who could help me and say practically nothing about other progressives who could help my cause.

Counter point, fuck this guy. Society was victimized by him.

1. Republicans blocked a nominee.

And when, inevitably, the filibuster is abolished for legislation too, the Senate will essentially be no different than the House. So, how about we get rid of the electoral college and show these bastards the true tyranny of the majority. New York and California will use their sheer numbers to crush the flyover states

That’s idiotic. Both parties are not equally to blame. Democrats had few good options. Reid and his team agonized for literally years avoiding are they “equally” at fault? I am so tired of this false equivalency bullshit that helps scumbags like McConnell and exacerbates this shitty situation.

Yeah, I’m gonna go ahead and ignore the snark in this article and instead give them a thumbs up for including a trans mom.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the only two Democrats with the right to call themselves Progressives. The only two Democrats who have the FDR-LBJ toughness. We need to clone them both.

Kirsten Lepore is a great animator!! I love her work soooo much. I wish the article linked to more of her work. She does this great balance between playfulness, dark humor, and sometimes creepiness. Yea! women animators!!