
I take full responsibility for putting the last nail in the coffin, having gotten engaged at sunrise on the 29th of December to my amazing trans* partner.

Are you sure this isn't Boulder?

Those lists can be misleading, and they simply say "never" because some owners don't know the meaning of "a little bit" or "occasionally." Some items are truly "even a little bit once can be fatal" - for example, xylitol. Grapes and raisins are like russian roulette - different dogs react differently, and if your dog

Today, channel 7 assembled a panel of "Experts" to talk about gender in politics. One of them is of course Alan Jones, who said the prime minister should be thrown into the ocean in a bag, and that her father, who died during the PMs term, "Died of shame"

I like that picture. However, I don't like her. Many single mothers surviving on poverty-line pensions just got their payments cut "to encourage them to get a job," all while there is a serious childcare affordability crisis in this country. She won't support gay marriage even though her senior cabinet minister is

I grew up in British Columbia, Canada, and growing up I remember my mom would always drive across the border (less than fifteen minutes away for us) to do most of her shopping in Alberta to avoid that extra 7% PST... especially at Christmas and the like. Living in the states now, I like to tell that to my inlaws like

Just so I'm clear: Exactly how thin do I need to be to deserve to clothe myself and receive adequate medical care? I just want to make sure I do this right!

I found a translation, its funny.

This is even stupider than the other one. And that one was pretty god damn stupid.