
An important note: Luckasevic did not say he put $1.7 million worth of time into the case. He said his firm put $1.7 million in COSTS. To an attorney, costs are separate and apart from attorneys’ fees. Costs are money out of pocket to pay for things like document review, experts, court reporters for depositions, etc.

And why don’t those damn kids get off my lawn?! And what’s a “Moonlight” anyway?!

The tears on this website might be a close second. It’s a fucking football game, not a metaphor for the country.

The boos for Goodell were a salve on this wound.

Tommy Heinsohn is a basketball treasure, you cod. Of course he’s biased - he’s been with the Celtics for sixty fucking years! Eight titles as a player, two as a coach, and the only person that’s been a part of the organization for all 17. He’s earned the right to say what he wants.

This is a roller coaster of a comment.