
Why would a car driving on the sidewalk bother pedestrians? It's dangerous and completely unnecessary.

Do you, singularly, produce things for public consumption?

This should have ended with “Enough about me, what do you think of me?”

It’s not exactly the same, because the “reach” you had wasn’t that high. You could share those tapes/CDs with your friends/family, not someone you do not know on the other side of the planet.

Hardware wise, yea maybe. But it easily has the best games.

No one’s policing their morals. They’re free to hold the event. They’re not immune from criticism.

If you think the point of the article is about securing the right for scantly clad male dancers to be at these sorts of events, you’ve completely missed.

They aren’t banned from doing this. They’re just not immune to criticism for doing it. Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences. It’s perfectly within the realm of free speech to criticize their decision to hold an after party like this.

There should have been no dancers, period.

So why are we celebrating AlphaGo’s recent achievements as a big development in AI if we had a robot capable of playing Tecmo Bowl 15 years ago?

Calm down there, Satan.

I’m guessing you haven’t actually built a Lego set in a while.

Is anyone who whines about political correctness not an asshole?

Sorry, no price, you need to build in “feminists” and “SJWs” to win the bullshit bingo.

Kid Icarus: Uprising is probably one of the best games I’ve ever played period and I’m left-handed.

Stockholm Syndrome much? No, but seriously do you really like glitches that much that they make the game MORE fun? I just can’t except broken games on launch anymore. No. No. No. I don’t care how complex the game is. The over complexity is the developers fault, the bugs are the developers fault, and the poor reviews

Gamers: No one is happy.

Thank you for the answer. Guess I’ll have to try them myself. :)

Thank you for the answer. Guess I’ll have to try them myself. :)

The fall of Dreamcast was the death of SEGA. At least of it’s soul. AM2, Smilebit, Team Andromeda.. All of those teams went away along with it’s people and SEGA has existed in name only ever since. Like a zombie ghost.

This list is missing 2 great games: