In the first paragraph where she suggests that you aren’t a millionaire if you make $228K a year?
In the first paragraph where she suggests that you aren’t a millionaire if you make $228K a year?
Couldn’t resist ;)
You traded a 3DS for a Vita. I salute your masochism, sir!
Didn’t strike me as problematic at all. He’s not killing them in cold blood — they’re actively trying to shoot down his craft.
Ha — in fairness, I didn’t forget any letters. I just put them in the wrong order...
Bethseda Furious — Want Exclusive Rights to Break Their Own Games
She heard Yoda’s voice in her vision, too, but she’s clearly not one of his species.
How has Nintendo been “pushing” her lately? Bayonetta 2 came out last year, and I haven’t otherwise heard the slightest mention of her from Nintendo.
It’s nothing remotely like sudoku.
And what’s wrong with that?
Nonsense. The controls suck, plain and simple.
It’s not really clear what you’re “forgiving” seeing as we just finished up the best series the show has ever had.
Not at all. That was literally the whole point of the thing — that his frantic need to have Clara back was causing him to behave in ways that he shouldn’t, and that forgetting her was the only way to make it stop.
I know that “Moffett must go” is the refrain of angry fans for the last few years...
I think it’s reasonable that a few billion years might be long enough to rebuild, so it’s not really that odd.
This wasn’t the “return of the Timelords.”
The graphical downgrade I could handle.
I’ve watched the clip over and over, and I can still only hear “Hey!”
Mario Maker is hardly the “same old idea” as anything.
...or listened to the score from Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture.