
It’s like he has no idea what opposite lock is, or how to use it. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of that oppo was just from the steering forces induced by the slide, rather than by him knowing what to do. Way too little, way too late.

Related: I think I hate these people more than the driver of the car. These are the

Are you sure?

Velcro a smooth mat over your head.

Remember that back in the ‘60s and ‘70s, vinyl interiors *were* considered an upgrade. Original TV commercials for the 1965 Mustang extolled the availability of vinyl interiors, and many other brands/models similarly marketed it.

I just had a crazy idea:

Here you go:

More than that is that writing by hand has been shown to have more of an impact; from remembering what you wrote to understanding it better.

Didn’t want to register his cars because of privacy concerns but I get force-prompted 15 times to log into icloud every time I get a new iphone.

Buy it, un-pause it, and purposely lose.

This chick is a money grubbing Cee You Next Tuesday.

Not while there is money to be wrung from that corpse, no chance.

Absolutely true.

I’m taking the blue pill and living happily ever after in machine goo if it means I get to drive this car.

I have a local Alfa dealer. Turns out they sell Alfas there.

Oh of course. But like Zendax mentioned, pics like these were taken well before the symptoms and diagnosis.

On a recent episode of 60 Minutes, it was suggested that such behavior was not something recent, but he would do this regularly.

A friend of mine wrote this, in response to everyone praising Steve Jobs when he died. What you wrote reminds me of this.

Getting a new car EVERY SIX months...