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It's no secret ASOIAF makes strong parallels with medieval European history, especially the decay of feudal society. Looking at historical parallels, Dany will (be forced to) cancel feudalism because:

One more thing - once Jon Snow's legitimacy as a Targ is publicly established, he is actually the rightful and ruling heir before.her. Plus he can still have children so it makes logical sense (read UK nobility rules).

She and Jon did something in that cave before coming out to join Tyrion, et al. But it wasn't raunchy, just smoothed things over until the next battle, etc.

I said in another thread ideally Dany will ultimately establish a direct democracy or two republics - one in Wessos and the other Essos. Tyrion and Varys being the first Prime Ministers. She as the queen will be the 'head of state' akin to what you see in the UK with England, Scotland, Ireland, Britain, Canada,

Funny, I felt the same way about Catelyn Stark when confronted by the Karstark's father - she wanted all these men to fight to avenge her sons/husband's death and free her daughters. Hundreds died; she ironically died to at the Red Wedding. Wessos wars are about their leader's egos more than establishing a

Tales of Dunk and Egg - A Game of Thrones
“I’ve had the cold in me too, lordling.” Gared pulled back his hood, giving Ser Waymar a good long look at the stumps where his ears had been. “Two ears, three toes, and the little finger off my left hand. I got off light. We found my brother frozen at his watch, with a smile

asoiaf: I always thought Wessos was an analogy to Northwestern Europe, from Norway down to Germany or France with the 'Shivering' and 'Narrow' seas akin to the Baltic and North seas? Scooch Greece and Rome up some to stand for Dorne and Bravos? Essos = Middle East (south of the Mediterranean Sea).

Good point! "Ouch, my head hurts! Queen mommy, he hit me!!" ;-)

Helmets identify house allegiance so I kinda understand some taking them off when traveling through hostile territories, bannerman or not e.g. BoB. North of the wall they could freeze to your head/cheeks. Reason why after battles soldiers scarf up swords, not helmets and shields? Can't have traveling

Remember, the second larger wave of European immigrants happened after The Civil War, the migration west of the Mississippi, the need for low cost labor given exclusively to whites. One of the rarely discussed issues is that the Civil War was a war of the economies - free white labor couldn't compete against slave

Definitely a generational preference - Grease written to appeal to Baby Boomers' romanticized/idealized '50's POV with a weak wink at the '70's Women's Movement - was based on the '71 stage play. Grease 2 reflects a more comfortable/egalitarian view in how the genders treat each other and themselves. Seen repeatedly

What if the British had won the American Revolutionary War? The Civil War never would have taken place, the stand on slavery would have been much different, plus the immigration of Europeans in general would definitely have been different.

OMG, testicular cancer?!? Never heard before reading your post, so who's spreading rumors, eh? My concern was for something much more innocuous…

'Sanford and Son'?

I didn't scream but I remembered how it made me want to like a similar scene in BB. I *did* scream then "F*ck Yeah!". The BCS crew are geniuses!

RuPaul looked just a bit under-the-weather both in and out of drag this episode. I hope he's OK. Don't get me wrong, he was handsome/beautiful - I loved all of his outfits and makeup this time, they were on point. But his voice and mannerisms were…off (sorry, I can't find the words). Like he was getting over runny

Where does Veteran's Day fall?

It's not paranoia, but the same could be said for your fear of this opinion. I merely said that the approach to this makeover session felt odd, mostly due to how the formal contestant reacted to each other from side interviews, not within the workroom. Their demeanor felt stiffed, that's all.

What's wrong with that opinion?

Was it me or did part of this episode *try* to come off like some spin-off comedy?? Especially during contestants' solo interviews - their snarky comments and opinions with bulging eyes, cockeyed/sideways glances and faces accompanied by quirky background music. You could practically tell the set director was giving