
As innaproriate and boring the politics were for a major motion picture based on exciting serials with cliffhangers and rediculous stunts. This is some really good space for the politics to play out. I was pretty unthused that this could go somewhere like in the old TCW arcs but then I realized that unlike TCW where

I like that Filoni related media blends the prequels with the OT. It was cool seeing the clone era walkers. Obviously it’s necessary here. I’m not a particular fan of the prequels but they are a canonical part of the story. I thought the sequels should have embraced them more. It was cool in The Mandalorian one of the

And Death’s Head crossed-over with the Transformers. I beleive that he started there and then the Transformers crossed over with GI Joe and Spider-man in their third isse.

I once read a book with a psychoanalytic bent describing sex for a narcissist as basically masturbating with another persons body, but in this case, if both were involved that are both masturbating with each other or maybe they would have more incentive to please each other. Deep thoughts.

Umm, did you ever see Idiocracy? The problem is that they breed more than educated people.

When I was in Spain a coupple of years back they had Old El Paso at the fancy grocery store. That and Uncle Ben’s rice.

6/26/21 and the links still don’t go to the comments.

He was 26 and she was 16? It’s like a fictionilzed verion of Harrison Ford and Carrie Fischer.

That seems like a trope, the sharpshooter with the cybernetic eye.

Speculation, Omeega is not a Force sensitive clone. That makes sense because that’s already The Mandalorian’s thing.

Manual trades do generally require an apprenticeship program because they are often doing highly skilled work.

“Gender fluid? me when you’re species fluid.

If Sylvie is Lady Loki and she hooks up with Loki, wouldn’t that just be mutual masturbation?

So the MCU has become like the comic books. It was unavoidable. The multiverse is all purpose and good for what ails you.

I worked in this industry and used to do house calls and repair grills.

‘Sammies’ is awful. I also dislike ‘za for pizza.

I used to do that eye thing.

Does Omeeega’s bow shoot light-arrows? If so, why not have a blaster? They seem easier to use.

Apparently he doesn’t like to change his strings unless they break. That’s just some useless trivia.

Quien es lavado de cerebro? Eric Clapton o el resto de nosotros?