Heist movies or Bring it on: Cheerleaders in Spaaaaaaaace!!!!!
Heist movies or Bring it on: Cheerleaders in Spaaaaaaaace!!!!!
That’s a great book. I find the odd beliefs facinating as well. They used to do a really good job keeping things under wrap. I think Under the Banner let a lot out. With the internet it’s too hard. They are only slightly less wierd than Scientologists.
I’m sorry, but if you are soaking you’ve broken the seal. That’s more than “just the tip”. I guess it’s about not thrusting? What if you get a cramp or an itch and have to shift a bit to address it? Are you not creating friction that goes beyond just a nice soak? Do they wear protection? Is it like a careful process…
The guy did it because it is The Leftovers. one of the strangest, how did this get made tv shows ever. And that scene was fantastic.
Two entirely different kinds of smug. Being a smug contrarian on HBO is so much better than a (are we suppossed to think he’s earnest or serious in any way?) contributor on Fox News. What’s smugger than smug?
Paint is high revenue, profit and takes some tiny skill and knowledge. The garden dept. is profitable, but skills and knolwedge, Not so much.
Um, I worked for a grill company mentioned here. I worked directly with Home depot and Lowes stores. Trust me, they don’t hire for competence. Not anymore. They used to. The fog the mirror thing is right on. Go shop at Ace Hardware or True Value. Mostly locally owned and more helpful employees.
I realized after I typed that Mormon thing that I should have fact-checked. Something in the back of my head told me to. Let’s see. And I was correct. I beleive I had heard this before somebody told me a story about finger banging in one of the books. I tried to confirm that with a Google search and all that comes up…
And it was all written by a Mormon.
The empire does everything in great numbers and on the cheap. That’s why TIE Fighters have no shields. It’s all cannon fodder. There was a joke on Rebels when Rex puts on OT stormtrooper armor that it felt flimsy and low quality. I don’t think he said the word cheap but that’s how I read it.
The tv show had somebody teaching either Skynet or more likely a rival or “borther” to Skynet ethics. It was clever. Somebody in another old thread I just read commented that a good way to keep the franchise frexh would be to flip it again how they did with T2. Have the Terminator go back to protect a key Skynet…
t3 was the most expensive movie ever made at that time.
She’s Isreali. I can’t remember if there is a name for it but in Isreali society the hierarchies are very flat. Even in the military, compulsive military it’s totally ok and celebrated to criticize your commanding officer so she probably had zero compunction to go over his head to his bosses. She and dodn’t take no…
The person in question fits all the narcissisms! All of them. It would probably satisfy him tremendously.
He flies his ship wearing his helmet and I’m pretty sure he was doing that before Grogu was part of his life.
I know that Hollywood is pretty tough on women even when they are extremely talernted actresses and that may cause them to try hard to look good through superficial means, but when a relatively youngish person that was very attractive does the following to their face, I’m pretty sure they were not happy and…
That was my first thought too. Then again, these days, COVID is a possibility.
I just watched TSCC last week and got through the movies up to T3. Man was the tv show good when it was good.
I read in an interview with Josh Frtiedman many years after you wrote this comment that, yes, the chola was suppossed to have a much larger part that never materialized.