
Simplify logistics.

Maybe they should get rid of the engine and just stick with electricity.

Is this is what happens when Porsche turns off the emissions cheat code- dirty polluting engine fires?

It would be funny to see everyone stuck inside these at the mall parking lot because they can’t get the door open due to the other SUVs parked next to them.

Typical Ryan Felton hack job article. Rather than sticking to the financial updates (good or bad) in this article, couldn’t resist inserting the digs about elon’s antics (which are dumb) and smear lawsuits.

Suicide doors on a cross-over... very bad idea in the real world of parking lots.

If it’s weekend pleasure you are looking for, Z3 M roadster is the call. Drove the Z4M couple on a track and while more much more capable, the Z3M is much more fun on public roads. Z3Ms are easier to wrench on as well- and both will needs lots of wrenching.

Drop the ICE engine and replace with the iPace’s 90 kWh battery/drive train, update the 1990s interior and I would be all over this.

What is the fascination with exhaust pipes? They do not provide thrust and are not rockets. The sole purpose is to emit pollutants. Do we love belching smoke stacks too?

Lots of big fake vents to make it stylish

Neutral- EV Boom for china and the EU... In the US, uh, we seem to enjoy our evolution from a forward thinking nation to a backward thinking one. Maybe EV adoption would be better in the US if they only went in reverse?

I currently have a 1975 BMW 2002 and a Model S...

Looks like the pinnacle of 1984 technology...

As a former i3 driver, everyone was amazed by interior design and amount of space in the i3. However its utility was compromised by those stupid suicide doors.. the i3 had a certain charm that is lacking in other new BMW/Kia’s.

Premium for the very rare functional turn signal option? Only 50 were made with this option.

Will there be any ice to race on 30 years from now?

They also go for $10K more

Suicide Doors- super cool on day one.

Buddy of mine has a similar story meeting RJ in an airport.. Said he was a real down to earth, nice guy with a pretty good perspective on the world.

Congress should extend/expand EV credit for American EV companies as Tesla and GM will be the first to hit the cap.