
kia stinger in deutche?

Headline should read “4 years from now, a VW may offer a bigger battery than that offered in a 2017 Tesla”.

Had a black touring for 6 years.. great car but it was a minimum $2K a year in maintenance.

Used i3 is the way to go... that said, the rear suicide doors suck with kids (and don’t roll down) and is the reason I no longer have an i3.

Bolt is a lot quicker.

Batteries get pretty hot so I am sure an Easy Bake Oven option can be a simple add for cooking while driving.

Given your other cars, for commuting fun, you should get a BMW i3

I need an electric car. Drive one for a couple years and then drive an ICE.. Hard to go back. “Performance” EVs just drive better.

The interior looks like my chevy rental car

As with the S, either they will get the update too or the “older”model will still be better than any alternative on the road today..

My kid wanted to be red train engine “JAMES” for Thomas the Train.. spent hours making it with great detail with similar set up.. Ended too bulky to trick or treat in and was retired after 1 house.

You guys are aware the Porsche is bench marking a 5 year old vehicle that was a companies first try at mass market vehicle (roadster doesn’t count). Porsche has been slowly evolving the VW bug for 75 years.

Well aware of the toyota/mazda partnership- hopefully toyota can get their solid state battery technology ready for prime time and into these Mazdas. EVs are where the non-US markets are going and there is a commitment by governments to get them there. Solar/Wind is easily scalable and the costs to produce a kW/hr are

Great design, well done. Love the “futuristic/retro” design interpretation of what a 4 door version of the mercedes coupe show car would look like.

darn... we were hoping they would buy back our cayenne.

This team would have been much more successful if they stuck to what they know best - pick ups

They wont be able to hear your exhaust note either.... because you will be 100 yds behind them at every light.

Note to Kia: the quickest car in america makes no noise and fart can civics are slow.

Get the M roadster version- less collectible than the coupe but more fun with the top down and you will have unlimited head room.

Hope they make if full electric and not a hybrid... I would buy one.