Charlie Hebdo Deadspin

I’m so fucking glad you aren’t in charge of anything. What a worthless and mindless summation.

Yeah, whatever. Oh, and when you are done sucking Obama’s cock, go organize for America or whatever you do to make yourself feel better.

Incorrect, but I’ve forwarded on this post to the Secret Service for further evaluation into your meaningless life. Hope they knock soon!

You’re a fucking disgrace. Move. You make our country weaker with every post.

WAAAAA! WAAAAA! You are such a grown adult, cutting Trump supporters out of your life! WAAAA!

Go fuck yourself.

Ask the United States Secret Service - do something positive with your life and ask harder questions to the appropriate people - not a fucking website. Jesus Fuck.

Fuck you, you fucking fuck. If it was Obama, you’d be fawning over him and Arne Duncan being old backyard hoops buddies - so seriously, fuck yourself with the most monstrous Obama-faced dildo you can and I hope that fucking thing is so big it probes the darkest reaches of whatever you call a heart, causing it to stop.

Real original. Wow.


Glad you’re a talent coordinator at NBC! You do such great work. Oh, wait, you’re absolutely no one.

You’re a fucking joke.

I just joined the NRA to spite you, you fucking fuck. Go swallow a revolver.

DEMOLISHING ARGUMENT INTERNET MUSCLES ALL CAPS. Yeah, fuck this guy, right? Make him choke on a huge fucking bag of internet cocks, right?! I mean, the first thing SI Newhouse would say to his J1 students is “fucking crush your journalistic opponent.” Then he’d whip his cock out, slap the first GOP-looking kid in the

Sorry you have nightmares about that, pal, but you are wrong.

This guy is right on the money. Fuck you.

Boy, what a sea change over the last sixteen months or so. Any pro athlete or commoner with any public opinion on BHO, you people call for his head on a silver platter. Now, you’re praising people for bashing the President of the United States. Seriously, you people cannot be out of jobs, on welfare and your website

“These are not your Daddy’s Yankees.” - Pedro Martinez

Hitler is dead and was dead in 1994, too. May I suggest an Encyclopedia Britannica kickstarter for you and your family? Reading is awesome.

Sir, what is your real name and where do you work - I believe you have made threats to the president; so I’m going to need this information to have you fired and arrested. Thanks!